when trying to make suicune
okay this is a easy one. here i even made a gif that demos how easy it is. step 1. see a comment you do not wish to see. step 2. there is a small flag 🚩 click it. step 3. choose to report and then block or just block. after about a week of doing this you will find most of the users who you do not want to see anymore will be gone. is it perfect no its not, there are ways around this but the best advice i could give is - do not engage with these people block them and if you see them come back continue to block.
you could always just fork the page and have a private version to yourself.
here a link to demo the block feature. https://files.catbox.moe/57ywjq.mp4
here is a screen cap of the issue happening on one of my gens. i may be wrong but i believe the issue has to do with having more than one person as a admin on the chat. im just guessing that though im not very good with code so im sorry if this unhelpful
I've not noticed anything to this extent, but i have always assumed some people with more time than sense just refresh a private browser to upvote themselves to the top. not really sure though. i have observed that if its late in the night usa time a single vote can send you up higher as there are less photos being made so it can get up trending a lot easier. While I'm sure the system is fair since I mostly make abstracts its very rare that i even see one of my images get past recent =( I've just started to save to personal galleries on that generator none of the upvotes matter anyway so i just see it as it is what it is.
That's sick Allo! I don't know how I missed it lol
i lack the know how to contribute to the discussion but 100 appreciate that your investing time to find a solution. i like your idea am curious about one thing, even if said behind the scenes can be made once people start to play the game and lets say one gets to be more popular would ping start to become a factor for playability with more players or would things like that not be a major factor? sorry if is silly question i was just curious from experiences playing server based games before.
so when i made the prompt originally it was for afrika bambaataa i took his name out and replace it with grandmaster flash along with just a few lyric's from the start of the message, and wound up with what reminded me of the creation of adam by michelangelo but its grandmaster flash and a chinchilla.
yea its been a very long time since i seen it other than that last movie that came out not to long ago might be fun to try and make the other angels i love how they are portrayed in the show.
You made me think about the cool shadows that the eclipse made few weeks ago, i bet this thing would make some wild looking shadows.
I would also love to see this feature. would be great to see more tools for moderation. upvote