Ah yes. 80. Wealth to scale
Now imagine if you lived in a society where someone gave a shit about your problems. And maybe they even have the skills and resources to fix them more efficiently than you would. Or not, does it matter, theyre willing to help.
Ah yes, the $450 million homestead!
Joking aside, cool info thx.
That is god teir!
- Lost gold
- A kidnap victim
- Your target as a prof. hitman
- Inspiration for your novel
- A cure for cancer
- A path to immortality
- Your lost car keys
This could probably uplift any path you choose to take in life.
Err.. "go run a business before.." "I have".. "Stop appealing to authority"
Yeah, your inventory of raw materials is already purchased. Your current freights already contracted. Most companies can raise prices lockstep with costs without going whoopsie daisy, we raised it too much.
For the last time, your claim was that even ethical businesses must xyz, now youre talking specifically about large complex operations that do not have clear controls, KPIs, supply chain and contract risk management practices. Way to shift the goal posts.
Were having two conversations here, and Im beginning to assume its by design on your part. Or... yeah.. were all lying teens, youre the only one thats right.
My butts getting tired so Ill stop speaking through it.
Hey everybody, if you dont agree with this person you're a liar.
What do politics have to do with facts?
If I've already purchased inputs at $10, and my sell price is $15, and the cost of inputs next week are going to be $20 maybe, there is no reason for me as an ethical business owner to raise my prices in anticipation. I will not be in the red. I will need to raise my prices if inputs increase. Smoothing my price curve is a clear deflection on your part. No one is talking about keeping nuggies at $x to avoid impairing demand.
My objection to you all the way through is based on your fraudulent and specific lie - around current input costs and ethical business requirements to raise prices. Stop trying to confuse the issue.
Also, perhaps change your user name to Mr. Adhominem.
LOL. I have, and I do. Both medium sized independents and in a large org. You are again, literally, and irrefutably wrong. All businesses know their current costs. Stop trying to reframe it against future forecasts.
Only responding so people dont fall for your trolling, as fact.
You are absolutely incorrect. You literally know your costs when you are a business. That is the one thing you know with absolute certainty.
You might not know what those costs will be in the future, but you also dont need to increase prices ahead of time for a potential future event.
I think people know? A franchise brings in x million per year, from the gross x percent goes to head office, remainder is used for operating costs and the balance is whats left for the franchisee. What you seem to be ignoring is that a shift in one cost doesnt mean everything else remains static. McDs head office wont enforce x percent of gross in a high labour market if it forces the franchise to close down.
Analysts create forecasts on the sustainable extraction of wealth from the community. By way of example. If there is a change in law meaning labour is now paid $4/h the franchisee wont jusy make 300k insteaf of 150k per year. The monthly fees will also go up, and the franchisee may make 200k a year now, with an additional 100k going to head office.
Prices also dont double with doubling of labour costs, the entire system is dynamic, with a readjustment of how much value each stakeholder takes from the overall pie.
I dont know if people act purposefully dense when these things come up or actually cant see beyond their immediate situation, but you dont get "double prices, all businesses close down, the economy will collapse" when you force a slight shift of the value pie towards labour that creates the value.
Sorry if the franchisee will now only get $100k per year in the bank per franchise managed by their team, instead of $150k, and head office can only capture 3.5% of gross instead of 4.5%, its totally worth it if hundreds and thousands of employees are not staying up at night worrying about paying for their gas, electricity, prescriptions or clothes for their kids.
How are they gatekeeping when they are calling out gatekeepers? "Sorry for whoever thinks that art is just..."
I guess the tweets a response to those that equate the value of an art piece to its financial valuation?
"There is no viable alternative to a car when it is 20 below and you have to drive 30 min to get to work."
Perhaps theres a solution buried in there. Organize society so were not burning our lifespan and the planet unecessarily commuting.
"There is no viable alternative to a car when it is 20 below and you have to drive 30 min to get to work.
Bus, train.
"What we can stop doing is proposing no alternative"
Bus, train, walkable cities, remote work, increased automation and reduced labour reducing commute requirements, production near consumption to reduce freight, tackling international economic inequities so it isnt cheaper to make a widget accross the world at poverty wages and ship it to those who live on the other side to buy within the means of their poverty wages - purchasing low quality quickly broken widgets that need consistent replacement and therefore further freight for that consistent supply.
It actually is. We all have problems. Humanity formed society to solve problems. Society has been hijacked (for a loooong time in many different ways) to extract value from others. Some people want to combat that.
Some "have their own problems to deal with"