Except that you now depend on the physical nature of the universe in which you reside, when it fails, the universe fails. And this universe also does not in any way guarantee your survival outside of a physical body.
Hurr durr, there was a massive impact 60 million years ago, 11 deep into the human evolutionary chain when our great ancestor looked like a rat (carpolestes), and 75% of species went extinct you think the planet wont recover.
Oh yes, it will, it will recover. And life will likely flourish. Without us.
Yeah, think they interpreted it as sunak warned others, rather than sunak was warned.
Let me know how it goes, even if its months from now. Happy reading!
Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, david eddings are all good too, and unfortunately all have passed away so dont expect more books!
You should be ashamed of your callous response
Solid Snake in the Witcher
Can you explain how government enforced monopolies intersects with the discussion here?
I guess olive with it ;)
When did the weight cut offs change? I dont recall seeing that anywhere in the past 15+ years?
Words have power, what better way to destroy the concepts they hate than to coopt them.
Throw in a little bit of... lets say the equivalent of stolen valor when it comes to these social movements, and hot diggity, now theyre cooking. They can both destroy them AND feel good about it, because when they see vast literature about the nobility of liberty, they can say "woohoo, me is liberty, me is noble!"
33% is the easy one.... 1/3 of 6 is 2, 1/3 of 1 is 0.33... 2.33..