One of the deadliest phrases ever used! "A people without a land and a land without a people".
Palestinians asking for a homeland. They are at home and have been invaded for over 70 years
All about the buzz
For all those fine upstanding people who soabox about fetal life, this is the world you created for these women and their childfen.
Not that. Most of the Western world has a shocking history that must be used to remind us of what we can be capable of. Some nations however are at different places. The UK is particularly challenging (on average) compared to other places.
Genocide continues. (The alternate summary)
A little bit of a crappy story. Lets compare the Dutch of today to the rest of Europe today. I'm from the UK with freinds and family in the Netherlands. If it wasn't for elderly parents, I'd have moved there too.
There are about 67 million of us in the UK. Rishi wants to throw most overboard by offering tax cuts to the richst 5 million. There is ZERO evidence that the trickle down beleif works. We will have more poor people with a wider health and social inequality gap. Well done Rishi, I'm sure you'd sell your own grandmother.
I feel sillyhearing about for the first time. Sounds very interesting, thanks
Sunak is a prick, mixing with like minded morons.
Village idiots would traditionally be cared for within the village. Today, they form social groups of their own.