
joined 1 year ago
[–] GaMEChld 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

We all are. Or do you consider yourself a paragon of humanity despite not knowing the definitions of words? Still no comment on sponsored posts with regards to advertisements. And for what it's worth, I do use an ad blocker, but all ad blockers don't function the same way, which is another subtle detail I am unsure you are capable of grasping. But that's ok, it's not inherently bad that you are ignorant, it's simply a state of reality. Your irrationality doesn't negatively impact my life in any meaningful way.

The important thing is that you are happy.

Also, just so I am completely transparent, the reason I have discussed things with you thus far was not for your benefit. I am using you to demonstrate something to others. So thank you for participating in my publicly viewable experiment. It's been preserved, even if you delete your comments at this point. Have a nice day!

[–] GaMEChld 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Super Metroid (SNES)
Final Fantasy VI (aka III in US on SNES)
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
Eternal Darkness (GameCube)

[–] GaMEChld 1 points 1 year ago

Some kind of Sony Erickson phone, don't recall the model, or if that was the model name.

[–] GaMEChld 57 points 1 year ago (8 children)

It's pretty simple. Because we are all so spoiled and entitled that we won't even consider NOT buying their shit anymore. It's the same reason the video game market has grown rampant with micro transactions. They keep pushing the boundaries, and we keep giving them our money regardless of what they do. I'm actually curious to see how far they can push this insanity. They already slap a new year on sports titles every year and somehow sell the same game to the same people annually.


[–] GaMEChld 0 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Ah yes, keep insulting me. That truly shows you know what you're talking about. Yep you've convinced me. Good luck with your future interactions with the rest of society. I'm fairly certain that more people think poorly of you than think highly of you.

I'm glad you glossed over sponsored posts and ignored the fine details of my argument, but that's about what I'd expect from someone with your irrational combative nature. It's a pity. You could be so much more than that. Best of luck to you, sincerely. I'll hope reason can dispel this anger in you some day. I clearly don't know the words at present to allow you to understand my perspective, and I apologize for that deficiency.

[–] GaMEChld 1 points 1 year ago

Ah, that makes sense, thanks!

[–] GaMEChld 1 points 1 year ago

And we should be able to do that. But we Americans love to complain about the current state of affairs, yet we put more energy into complaining than we do actually voting. Our voter turnout for presidential elections is already way behind other countries, our mid terms are worse, our general elections the remaining odd years are worse still, and oh my God... The primaries....

The primaries are where we can actually redefine the political parties and fill them with new earnest candidates. Possibly the most important of all the elections, that's where we have virtually non-existent turnout.

Our government is exactly what we made out of it.

[–] GaMEChld 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Until the people who don't want the job are so fed up with how it's being done that they take the job themselves.

That's some of what sets apart an earnest politician from a corrupt one.

Personally, I think society would benefit if I got into politics. But I have so much work to do on my personal life that I don't have anything left to give. Maybe someday when I am on more sure footing, I can throw my hat in the ring and start getting involved in small scale local politics to see if I have any chops for it, but I don't know when that might be.

If we keep asking why are all these people in charge assholes, I have to ask, well why don't you run for office then?

And the sad reality seems to be that it's only the people comfortable and stable enough in life that they have the security and freedom to get into politics. Those people tend to be wealthier people they are also older. And that is not a demographic that is very representative of the teeming masses.

But hell, we barely even vote in this country. Other countries put us to shame when considering voter turnout. Voting should be the absolute bare minimum level of effort.

[–] GaMEChld 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Didn't he say that it's a framework for protocols, not a protocol? Or am I parsing the comment incorrectly?

[–] GaMEChld 7 points 1 year ago

This is true that it is a likely reason. It is also possible that Gabe Newell runs his company in a very deliberate way because he thinks it's a net benefit to both his company and gaming in general. From what I have heard, which of course may be a flawed understanding of the man, it seems like he has certain principles. I guess the question is whether or not a person believes intent matters or only the end result.

[–] GaMEChld 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I agree. But not everyone is wholly rational at all times and some people think they are being rational when in reality they made mistakes in their logical thought processes.

Asperger syndrome: A developmental disorder affecting ability to effectively socialize and communicate. Asperger syndrome is a condition on the autism spectrum, with generally higher functioning.

All I said was there may be a non-nefarious reason for him being the way he is. Are you arguing that he is definitely acting out of malice? If you are, I'd like to understand the reasoning you are using. I'm not trying to fight here, I'm trying to understand.

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