
joined 1 year ago
[–] GaMEChld 3 points 1 year ago

Personally, I pay off before next billing cycle. However, I have been fortunate with my finances. I know friends of mine who carry credit card debt, and they have successfully managed to balance transfer from one card to another using periodic balance transfer deals that let you transfer all your debt from one credit card to another with a 0% interest rate for 12 months or so. They have managed to do this for years.

So there are definitely a variety of options!

[–] GaMEChld 63 points 1 year ago (12 children)

Credit cards are fine for people who can control their spending. I never pay interest, so I get my rewards for free and am building my credit. If you cannot control your spending habits, you might consider a card with a low limit.

[–] GaMEChld 3 points 1 year ago

How might entropy be meaningfully reversed?

[–] GaMEChld 2 points 1 year ago

Even if it doesn't, at minimum you will have more fun and have friendlier interactions. Ultimately, we have to remember we are voluntarily playing these games for our own enjoyment. If they make us miserable, we need to change the way we interface with the game or just stop playing them.

[–] GaMEChld 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I played Overwatch until my mind realigned. Not joking. I was frustrated that running into irrational people in that game would in turn make me irrational. I figured, the opposite should be true too. Rationality should be able to calm and blunt irrationality. And once I realized that, it kind of became an academic exercise to me. I was nice and friendly on purpose and the quality of all my matches went through the roof. Even games that were loses were agreed to be excellent matches by both teams. Which sounds like ridiculous fiction, but it's the truth.

[–] GaMEChld 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

No they don't. There is an ever increasing amount of gold diggers, and not a lot of gold havers to go around. So a few gold diggers are happy, and many are endlessly searching and wondering why they aren't getting a proposal or commitment.

[–] GaMEChld 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Heheh, I figured most people would think it's RuneScape. Actually, it is a classic server for Final Fantasy XI called Eden.

Here's the info if anyone is interested:

[–] GaMEChld 21 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm about to harvest my first batch of vegetables in a very old MMO.

[–] GaMEChld 1 points 1 year ago

Everything is ground up. Local elections first, and so on and so forth. By the time you get to federal, the spirit of the entire government will have already shifted more towards the will of the people.

[–] GaMEChld 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Absolutely. But that involves being politically engaged. We have a government that doesn't serve the people because people aren't engaged. People spend time arguing politics but can't be bothered to vote twice a year. We have abysmal voter turnout rates in every metric.

Our presidential elections are the highest turnout, and even that is laughable, and that's arguably the LEAST important election. Mid terms are worse turnout than that. Off years worse still. And primaries, which I'd argue are the MOST important election because they let you change the core spirit of the two parties, have the worst turnout of all.

We need to vote.

[–] GaMEChld 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

While I don't disagree, there is also something to be said for being a savvy consumer. Stop buying their shit. Do your research. If people spent as much time researching their decisions as lamenting them, they'd be happier with their purchases overall.

I haven't paid for printer ink in over 10 years. I'm still on my starter cartridge for the laser printer I purchased that far back.

[–] GaMEChld 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think this video explored Tom v Sauron, and if not this video, the other Tom Bombadil video by same channel.

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