
joined 11 months ago
[–] FlowVoid 0 points 22 minutes ago (1 children)

And if Canada agreed with you and started launching rockets at the US on that basis, it would suffer the consequences. Much like Hezbollah.

[–] FlowVoid 1 points 24 minutes ago* (last edited 23 minutes ago)

Notice that the US didn't enter WW2 until it was attacked at Pearl Harbor.

And since then it hasn't launched rockets at military peers, even to stop a genocide. Just ask the families of tens of thousands of Chechens killed by Russians ~20 years ago.

If Hezbollah wanted to follow the modern American example, it would only start wars against weaker countries. Israel isn't one of them. Instead, Hezbollah is using the FAFO strategy.

[–] FlowVoid -1 points 45 minutes ago (3 children)

I've been told Biden is guilty of genocide, is that no longer true?

[–] FlowVoid 0 points 1 hour ago (5 children)

Canada has a longstanding border dispute too, with the US.

Imagine if Canada launched rockets at the US, because of the border dispute and also because Canada believed US arms shipments to Israel violated international law. It would not end well for Canada.

[–] FlowVoid 0 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

His entire methodology is contingent on history repeating itself.

Any prediction is based on history. Even pollsters believe the history of polling results before an election can predict how people will actually vote on election day.

What people usually don't realize about the "keys" is that they aren't advocating some political position, like "incumbency is good". It is more like a retrospective clinical study, where you look at a bunch of factors (smoking, exercise, TV watching, eye color) and see which ones best predict some outcome of interest (lifespan). If smoking has an association with lifespan and eye color doesn't, then smoking is a predictor and eye color isn't.

It doesn't matter if people don't understand why smoking would affect lifespan. It doesn't matter if people think eye color should be more predictive than smoking. It doesn't matter if people think cigarettes today are not the same as they used to be, so smoking should no longer be a predictor for lifespan. Predictors are predictors until they actually fail to predict.

[–] FlowVoid 0 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (10 children)

What does that have to do with Lebanon?

Imagine if Mexico launched rockets at the US in 2003 to protest our pointless invasion of Iraq. It would not end well for Mexico.

[–] FlowVoid 1 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

He is similar to popular non-Americans like Berlusconi, Meloni, Le Pen, and Kickl. Americans aren't unique in that regard.

[–] FlowVoid 3 points 5 hours ago (2 children)

arbitrary interpretation

They aren't as arbitrary as they seem, it's just that the media don't go into the full detail.

For example, key 2 is actually "The candidate is nominated on the first ballot and wins at least two-thirds of the delegate votes", which is clearly true

Furthermore, the entire point of this method is that it ignores opinion polls. So it makes no difference whether the public actually wanted a primary contest or not. Likewise, it doesn't matter whether scandals have "lost meaning".

[–] FlowVoid -1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Why should they be forced to allow other retailers to sell Steam keys at whatever price they want

Because those other retailers already paid Steam for those keys.

If Steam doesn't want to compete against third party key retailers then the solution is not to sell keys to third party retailers. Once Steam takes their money, they have to accept the competition.


Ending the Gaza war: Three phase proposal


  • It would begin with a six-week ceasefire, during which the IDF would withdraw from populated areas of Gaza
  • Hamas would release "a number" of hostages - including women, the elderly and the wounded - in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. Some remains of dead Israeli hostages would be returned to their families
  • Palestinian civilians would return to their homes in all areas of Gaza
  • Humanitarian assistance would "surge", with 600 trucks a day entering the strip, and hundreds of thousands of temporary housing units sent by the international community

During that six week period, negotiations mediated by the US and Qatar would continue. If successful, the next part of the plan would begin.


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