Aliens #notsponsoredbythehistorychannel
From my experience meta and ig are way worse, at least on yt the algorithm recommends stuff i like. Meta recommenss shitty tiktok videos and lgbtq crap no matter how many times i press the "im not interested" button
nationalist finns party is supposed to be rightwing conservative political party, quite leftist just like every other political party.
I am referring to the conservatives in nationalist finns party, they are more conservative than other parties
Good question, some japs went to finnish museum and thought the fish looked funny and our state run media yle made article about it Is this a meme? Basically that fish is from museum and it's supposedly showing how fishes have transformed due to evolution, looks pretty silly xD.
I think you have only talked about yourself asshole, the rules say no nazi content so you must be the only nazi on ex-heads, dumbass
i wonder who are these assholes who keep downvoting my content, like downvote if you want but i have no idea why you keep doing that...