I grew up in a conservative christian household but when I was 18 I met a trans woman (neither she nor I knew it at the time) that asked me, when I was doing as conservatives do, "But what if you're wrong?" That was the first time in my life someone even suggested I question my beliefs and it was asked so kindly and earnestly it sent me down a rabbit hole of Christopher Hitchen's, Richard Dawkins, and too many others to count. Eventually I caught Religulous on Netflix and that was the first time I heard about TST.
TST and other freethinkers saved my life, I believe, because when I was full of hate I didn't hate anything as much as I hated myself. The Satanic Temple among other groups and individuals helped me to be accepting of others which helped me to stop hating myself.
This is a bit of a tangent at this point, so I'll just add hail Satan.
Came to the comments to make sure I wasn't the only one to realize this lol