Wow works fine on Linux for me
Maybe he should write an article instead of a video. I'm much more likely to engage with those. Or I guess I could run his video through an LLM to get a text summary.
Yes, that's attempted murder. The method doesn't matter, just the intent. A lawyer would likely argue that you can't prove intent in this case, but in your hypothetical we know the intent.
Making a small phone is harder than making a big phone.
The immediate impact is that the mineral rights treaty wasn't signed. Past that the impact remains to be seen.
Fuck whoever you want, makes no difference to me
And what backs up law other than implied threat of force?
Because they wanted to leave the union so they could carry on being slaving assholes.
Your point is obvious and dumb
The constitution doesn't cover if states can leave the union. Until the civil war this was an unresolved question. We now know definitively that you de facto can't, at least not without permission of the federal government.
A hell of a lot more than nothing.
I really don't think it will.
It's cool spy and action stuff. You're overthinking it
What about directories under XYZ?