Googled - G6 is 72, g7 is 88, gen 8 is 96
Looking at the lineups, they mostly create a slew of regional creatures, and then use older 'mon as filler for routes. Makes sense at this stage.
Googled - G6 is 72, g7 is 88, gen 8 is 96
Looking at the lineups, they mostly create a slew of regional creatures, and then use older 'mon as filler for routes. Makes sense at this stage.
I couldn't number them but give me a long enough time I'd probably get there or close. It's been a long time lol.
In high school we used to keep Pokemon cards in a our binders ordered pokedex style, so knowing them by generation became rote memory when we'd open a dozen packs and have to sort them into sleeves quickly.
Awall of muscle feels good cuddling?
I can name the first 251(gen 1 and 2) by heart and 3 by sight and name, but not by number. It gets a little easier when you realize Gen2 is only 100 pokemon, the smallest Gen. Celebi is #251 and you can work backwards to Mew.
Easy way to solve most gens if you have to fill out a blank sheet - The starters are always grass/fire/water in that order, so your first 9 are always solved. Then the 2 early game bugs(Butterfree and Beedrill/ledyba and spinarak) and HM rat (Rattata/sentret/zigzagoon)and then from there's it's wild west until the end. The pseudo-legendary evo of 3 are with the legendaries, and those come in a set of 3, followed by the 2 title characters plus their hidden legendary so that's the back 9 solved for most gens. Gen 4 has more legendaries/pseudo legendaries so you get 12-15 for free on the back end.
There's some new ones I like but fuck there's over 1000 now. I'm happy just knowing up to 386.
Quick guide to rally locations he owes money to
As a modern tower of babel, built to honor the gay frogs! When will we learn from our hubris!
You're free to make it! I won't stop you!
I do not see the entertainment in watching "1-5 asshole versions of sideshow bob takes 20 minutes to step on a rake" as the sole plot point for 170 episodes.
I recognize that clearly people like it, it's run for 16 seasons.I personally just can't do it.
Know a guy who refuses to eat cheese hotdogs and other similar food because he hates "food that nuts in my mouth"
Am American, couldn't get past the second season. Characters were unlikable. Why would I watch a cast I dont like, for hours at a time.
The original one yeah. Most of them were these small reasons to pull you out of super speed and make space feel a little more inhabited, and not just empty a to b travel.
Link for all the Anomalies wiki link
Cooling is the process of offloading heat from one atom to another. In space and the moon, there's very little....anything. You can't transfer heat onto nothing - so an "air cooled" heat vent doesn't work. Another user suggested they use the moon itself or moon dust as a heat sink, and you could do that in theory.