Commercials are saying お試しみしてください and not お楽しみしてください.
Realistically? I probably wouldn't. And neither would you.
What does it do to things like visas, customs, etc. when all your travel documents and similar credentials are just obliterated like that?
No, it was not natural.
I mean, yeah - they don't.
I have one plastic bag that is full of other, crumpled plastic bags.
Were? Did something happen?
Nunca imaginé que los leopardos se comerían MI cara.
Dopamine and serotonin.
In the meantime I've found his Twitter handle (@ifightforkids) and there's a generous amount of racist shit.
There's better pedo hunters out there tbh.
That's a direct translation; better English equivalents would be "give it a try" vs. "look forward to it". They are pronounced similarly (tameshimi/tanoshimi) and either makes sense in context (usually heard at the end of an ad), so "Please look forward to/get excited about X" and "please give X a try" both would make sense.