
joined 2 years ago
[–] Eranziel 3 points 10 months ago

If an LLM had to say "I don't know" when it doesn't know, that's all it would be allowed to say! They literally don't know anything. They don't even know what knowing means. They are complex (and impressive, admittedly) text generators.

[–] Eranziel 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I kind of disagree with you, in that when I think about the standalone meanings of the words in each phrase, I think they do say the same thing.

The meaning of the words "You are welcome [to the help I gave you]" implies, to me, that there wasn't actually anything to offer thanks over. You're acknowledging their thanks, but telling them that they are welcome to take/use whatever it is you're talking about. [EDIT: normally when someone tells me I'm welcome to something, I feel less compelled to ask and thank in the future. "You're welcome to anything in the fridge", for example.]

It does not imply, to me, that I would appreciate them returning the favour. That might be implied meaning in the phrase, but it's definitely not what those words mean by themselves.

In any case, "You're welcome", "no problem", "no worries", etc... are all idioms that mean something different than what their individual words mean. The phrases as a whole carry a different meaning than the words themselves suggest.

[–] Eranziel 58 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Yes, with two hoses they are measuring count, speed, and vehicle weight. Not enforceable, as many others have said - nobody will be getting a speeding ticket from this. It's just data collection.

Note: force measured on the hoses is a function of vehicle weight and speed. If you only have one hose, you can't tell the difference between a light vehicle moving fast and a heavy vehicle moving slow. With 2 hoses you can now measure speed, which you can then use along with the pneumatic force to figure out weight.

[–] Eranziel 4 points 10 months ago

It does not. Circumference only tells you speed if you're measuring tire rotations, which this is not.

[–] Eranziel 17 points 10 months ago

Do you think every paper writer would comply? Do you think that the actually problematic writers, like those cutting so many corners that they directly paste ChatGPT results into their paper, would comply?

[–] Eranziel 4 points 10 months ago

I like that you pointed out industrial equipment. Those evaluations are usually pretty intense, and that's within a very controlled environment.

Rule #1 of automation in my experience is: limit the scope of what you're automating. Control as many variables as you can, make the requirements very specific. Every feature or situation or capability you add increases the difficulty exponentially.

Self-driving vehicles on the open road in the real world is an inherently unbound problem. The scope is nearly limitless. Good luck.

[–] Eranziel 7 points 10 months ago

Best I can find in Canada is in BC. I think you could get longer distances in a few other provinces, but the issue is a lack of roads/destinations in the northern corners, haha.

[–] Eranziel 2 points 10 months ago

Not sure about protect, but definitely non-aggression.

[–] Eranziel 10 points 11 months ago

I imagine part of the problem is women seeing the start of menopause and thinking that means they're no longer fertile. It's a process, not an off switch.

[–] Eranziel 62 points 1 year ago (1 children)

No, close the lid because that's how you avoid coating everything in the room with a film of urine and feces. Open toilets are disgusting.

[–] Eranziel 6 points 1 year ago

Yeah, this. I'm certain there do exist people in this world who have a chart like this. Probably they just happen to enough sense to not post the chart online, or are too obscure for theirs to become the meme.

[–] Eranziel 2 points 1 year ago

What the crap kind of washing machine do you use that's 20 storeys tall?

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