A featherless biped
Are people in jails even part of sanctuary policies? I thought sanctuary policies just meant city cops wouldn’t target people for only their immigration status. I thought people who committed crimes were already subject to deportation.
Do changes in technology justify curbing the second amendment, too, or just the first? I mean, guns have certainly changed a lot since the bill of rights was written.
Also owned by Meta
- marketplace
- messenger
Literally my only attachments to Meta at this point. I want to delete my account so badly.
The desire to belong is primal, and strong.
I’ve had a facebook account since it was first unleashed on the world, but these days I only use it for messenger and marketplace. I’ve changed all my privacy settings to as strict as they can possibly be, and I never browse or post anything.
I asked a younger coworker something similar about Facebook and facebook messenger a few years ago in relation to cyber bullying. I asked her why the younger generation doesn’t just get off social media if they’re being bullied, and her response was that these platforms are how people communicate now. Without them, you don’t find out about parties, trips, events, etc. Without them you get left out. If you abandon them, you’re essentially ostracizing yourself.
After hearing that I understood why just giving them up is difficult.
I’ve been wanting to take the leap, too. I’ve got Linux installed on my gaming laptop and I’ve been trying games one by one to see if they work. Next step is dual booting on my desktop and only switching to Windows when I absolutely can’t make something work. My biggest concern is that I have a bunch of games installed on various drives that are all Windows (NTFS?) formatted and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to run them on Linux. I really don’t want to have to reinstall all of them.