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I know that there are some plants and herbs cats don’t like. You could try placing some.
It’s madness how everyone is very worried about this, yet there is nothing really serious being done about it.
Now let’s focus on reparations.
WSB was never the same after the $GME debacle.
Another reason why Pathy is the most fun to play
Is there some sort of way to also keep a local backup of your reddit account? I would hate to lose a lot of very valuable things I have commented on or posted or saved and so on.
Don't know, I have spent the entire year playing Apex.
A lot, and I do mean it, of third-world countries have better access to medical care and universal healthcare than the US.
Paddling pool with the kids. The one Ravenscourt Park has a booking system so it's VERY decent and is not too crowded. I do suggest bringing a cushion though because there aren't enough benches under the shade.
I did the same. In fact, the PC I built doesn't even have wifi.