
joined 1 year ago
[–] EatBorekYouWreck -3 points 8 months ago (6 children)

Not whataboutism, I just want to show you that your standards are infeasible. In war people die, in warzones there are casualties and bombs falling from the sky, that’s the reallity of it. If journalists or volunteers take the risk and go to a warzone, they are at risk of dying ALWAYS.

Also, don’t lecture me about debate ethics when you refuse to read any of my arguments.

[–] EatBorekYouWreck -1 points 8 months ago (8 children)

I want to know how many innocent journalists and human rights activists died by the hands of your country. Or maybe suggest some state that is up to your standards?

[–] EatBorekYouWreck 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Huh? I never said israel paid for anything but using the MIC code will just tell you a serial number and region = israel, no matter which country or private citizen money paid for the printer. That’s not proof of anything.

[–] EatBorekYouWreck 1 points 8 months ago (10 children)

Where do you live?

[–] EatBorekYouWreck 4 points 8 months ago (18 children)

This is very unfortunate, I don’t want to lessen the severity of this. But I want to stress that Israel had stated many times in this conflict that Hamas is the sole target of the attacks. I also want to stress the measures that Israel had taken in order to prevent killings of innocent bystanders, from roof-knocking, calling people’s homes, throwing pamphlets from the sky etc. warning people in the area of attack. These measures are not employed anywhere else in the world, not in Ukraine, not in Armenia and most certainly that did not happen last saturday when Hamas attacked Israel. I see all the posts against Israel’s warnings and I just don’t get it. It is supposed to be the responsibility of Hamas as the elected government in Gaza to evacuate people from warzone (just like how Israel had evacuated over a million civilians from around gaza and Lebanon to keep them safe). But since they don’t do that, Israel reveals its war plans and literally tells when and where they plan to attack, in order to keep people safe.

[–] EatBorekYouWreck 15 points 8 months ago (12 children)

I’m not sure about your logic here, do you recognize the attack but reject that it was planned with printouts? Do you think the attack of >2000 terrorists was spontaneous?

[–] EatBorekYouWreck 10 points 8 months ago (4 children)

All printers in gaza have “Israel” as the region. But not only, basically everything that’s in Gaza is marked in “israel” region. That’s because Egypt almost never open their border crossing with Gaza and doesn’t export anything to Gaza (it had actually just shut down and barred the crossing with concrete slabs today, in order to prevent refugees from escaping).

[–] EatBorekYouWreck 7 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Yes, it’s shin bet’s jurisdiction

[–] EatBorekYouWreck 11 points 8 months ago (6 children)

You know everything imported to Gaza goes through Israel, right?

[–] EatBorekYouWreck 30 points 8 months ago (16 children)

Why does it sound fabricated that an attack that killed 1200 civilians targeted civilians?

For me it makes total sense.

[–] EatBorekYouWreck 11 points 8 months ago (7 children)

Saying Rabin was assassinated by a Zionist is very unfair. Especially since Rabin was one of the biggest Zionist leaders since ever. Yigal Amir (Rabin’s killer) is a Kahanist terrorist. And while self identifying as a Zionist, he probably also opposes most major Zionist leaders across history, from Ben Gurion to Rabin. It’s similar to saying a KKK hate crime was commited by Wstern American patriots.

Anyway after the murder, Israel had made very serious attempts at peace.

  • Hebron treaty
  • Wye and Sharem memorandums
  • Camp David talks
  • Aqaba, the Geneba Initiative
  • Sharem a-Sheikh summit
  • The unilateral disengagement and freeing of Gaza from Israeli occupation
  • Olmert - Abbas talks
  • The Annapolis Conference
  • The 2010 peace talks
  • The 2013-2014 peace talks

Some of those were very extensive and Israel made large concessions in the negotiations. Most of the serious attemts were ended by the Palestinians. There’s a saying in israel “The Palestinians never miss the opportunity to miss an opportunity for peace”. Today the Palestinian Authority (PA) has very little legitimacy within the Palestinian population, and arguably don’t represent the Palestinian people. It’s not cut and dry since there hadn’t been any elections in decades, but the sentiment for Hamas and other Palestinian factions and against the PA is very clear.

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