
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

CC could be a little more usable on eximus in general, I wish they got the Sentient/boss nerf to CC abilities where the abilities just have diminished effectiveness rather than it either works or it doesn't.

I've been running around with a resonance Banshee a lot for this event, it's nice seeing lots of highlighted enemies spreading the debuff around. I don't think Silence makes that much of a difference when you can out walk the beams of death, their damage still seems bugged to me though, Covenant shows almost 2M damage prevented if I stand still for the duration of one of the beams. I don't think it can damage objectives though.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It would be nice if they would add some of the new game modes to the sortie rotation. It's nice that they've done that they've added some of the new missions from Zaramin/Sanctum to the steel path rotation and Omnia Fissures though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

The dev shorts today mentioned something about a hot fix possibly today which should have some general QOL fixes for the game mode and they did mention elevator speed/charges, so hopefully that get's better communicated to players in-game.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Overall, I think the game mode is pretty fun/relaxed. It doesn't feel like there's a meta loadout being enforced, and for the most part, you have the freedom to bring whatever you want to the mission.
There doesn't really seem to be any failure condition either (other than maybe the first objective, but I've never managed to fail there).
The pity system is also nice to have for anyone who doesn't have the time to farm or has terrible luck and the event cosmetics also look really nice.


Similar format to Warframe's Dev Shorts, just some insight into what's currently going on in preludes. Not sure how frequently they're planning on making these, but probably less frequent than Dev Shorts. (The 4 just refers to the current version of preludes, not that there have been 4 of these filmed previously.)

0:00 - Intro
0:40 - Things coming to Preludes 4
2:25 - Another armor set being added
2:55 - Idols
3:55 - Teasing WIP enemies and working on enemy diversity
4:54 - Q&A Questions asked by players currently in Preludes
5:24 - Will any progression from preludes carry over?"
6:33 - Will drop rates be transparent?
7:15 - Any unusual weapons planned?
7:59 - Movement/parkour system?
10:05 - Fashion/customization
11:39 - How much are the devs lurking in chat to collect feedback?

The game is currently in pre-alpha so things mentioned might not be present in the final game or be very different in their final state.

2000 invites typically go out every Wednesday by email if you've registered your Envoy Title. People have mentioned that the email has sometimes been sent to spam, so it might be worth checking there occasionally.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Hildryn is one of the more fun tank frames to play, and is actually pretty good for harder content if you're having trouble staying alive.

Balefire unfortunately falls off in higher level content, exalted weapons are probably in need of an update to make them on par with current weapons.

Pillage is a very versatile ability, removing armor/shields from enemies and replenishing the players shields and cleansing status on the caster and their allies. As long as you can keep Hildryn's overshields active with this ability, toxin damage will not be able to bypass your shields.

Haven along with the Blazing Pillage augment makes Hildryn usable against the infested too while providing a bit of extra CC with the Heat procs.

Aegis Storm is also kind of useless, it reduces your mobility and only lets you use Balefire as a weapon. It can generate energy orbs but those are really only useful for your team mates and only moderately useful to Hildryn.

Rakta Dark Dagger is a pretty good weapon to pair with Hildryn as an alternative to Blazing Pillage or if you just want to quickly max your shield without waiting for Pillage to end.

I also like using Chroma's Elemental Ward (Electric) and replacing Hildryn's 4. It both gives Hildryn even more shields and reflects damage done to Hildryns shields back to enemies. Abilities that drain Hildryns shields like Haven will also trigger this effectively turning Hildryn into a walking shock mote. This used to be really fun with the old Unairu's damage reflect, just being able to walk into a group of enemies and killing them with all the reflected damage.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Harrow is probably one of my most played warframes. He has great survivability and some very strong weapon buffs which make weapons that have usability issues a lot more viable and fun to use. It is a lot easier to play Harrow if you only focus on modding for solo gameplay rather than team support. Missions I would typically use Harrow for would be Disruption and Survival, and mostly focused on duration and strength.

Condemn works great for quickly freezing important targets like Demolysts in place for easy headshots. It still won't hold them for long but with Harrow's fire rate buff and crit chance, you should be able to kill most Demolysts very quickly. I would not bother using the condemn augment, especially with how easy it is to get energy now.

Penance has a useful interaction with shield regeneration mods like Brief Respite and the Augur set, If you don't have active Overshields with Brief Respite equipped, the shield regen will prevent your shield gating from tripping making it a lot safer to use around enemies. The Augur set is a little better if you can fit one of the mods as it can prevent penance from triggering shield gating even when cast with active overshields. Penance also gives a large boost to your weapons fire rate and reload speed making certain weapons much more usable without wasting mod slots.

Thurible is mostly just used to keep your own energy up and allows you to run around with negative efficiency and always have a cast of condemn ready for emergencies. I don't find Warding Thurible to be very useful.

Covenant and the Lasting Covenant augment are what I usually try to mod for on Harrow. This is mostly for precision weapons or if you loadout is focused around headshots with arcanes like Arcane Pistoleer or single target weapons. If your team is nuking or CC focused with Gloom/Shock motes, it's best to find a group of enemies alone to get your full buff or find a couple exploding barrels to take self damage.

For weapons, generally I like to use snipers, Penance and Lasting Covenant help to work around the lower fire rate and reload speeds, and the Sporothrix is pretty fun with this setup and its Volatile Variant augment. For pistoles, Arcane Pistoleer and anything that's full auto and has a high fire rate like the Twin Grakatas. As long as you're getting headshot kills, it's like running around with an infinite ammo fissure buff. The melee weapon typically doesn't matter, Rakta Dark Dagger to quickly refill shields or the Furax with Amalgam Furax Body Count if you want to have even more fire rate on your pistols. It's also probably one of the few warframes where spearguns like the Scourge and Afentis can be useful.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Probably one of the harder warframes to farm because a blueprint is on a Rotation C mission. If you see her as a reward for the Duviri Circuit it can save you a lot of bad RNG trying to get her Neuroptics from a Survival mission.

Her abilities make most difficult missions doable even while solo, and my favourite use for her is to use Mallet to quickly spawn a Sister of Parvos. Her kit is pretty versatile giving mild CC, damage, invisibility, and even energy regeneration which can also be granted from Octavia Specters.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I like to mod my On Call's weapon with some form of status CC. They're normally pretty strong on their own but it can still help with slowing down enemies. Normally it would be something like Radiation + Cold so enemies will target each other instead of trying to take an objective in Interception and Cold is the only CC status effect that works through Overguard.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

DE has started sending out ~2k invites weekly for anyone that's registered their envoy name. Some people have mentioned that these emails have appeared in junk/spam, so it might be worth double checking there once in a while.

Direct links because embedded images seem to have scaling issues/links inside spoiler tags having issues in some apps:
Starter Weapons
Non Starter
Tempest Armor Set
Fenn Jotar Armor Set
Garren Armor Set
Garren Description
Ode Abilities
Fey Abilities
Garren Abilities
Slightly NSFW

The Royal Tines have an updated model since this was originally posted.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A collection of cosmetics/weapons currently in game and some flavor text. Some of this content has spoilers and placeholder content (i.e. abilities and descriptions). Things are currently pre-pre-pre-alpha so here's a peek at what's currently in game but may be changed/reworked or might not make it to the final release.

Starter WeaponsStarter Weapons
Starter Weapons

Non-Starter Weapons (Obtained after quest/farming)Non Starter
Non Starter

Tempest Armor Set (Starter)Tempest
Tempest Armor Set
*There is a second starter armor set which only recently became available, will have to update this later to show it.

Fenn Armor Set (Obtained through farming)Fenn
Fenn Jotar Armor Set

Garren Set (Quest)Garren
Garren Armor Set

Pacts (Two Starter and one Quest)
All Pacts
Garren Description
Garren Description

Pact Abilities (Two Starter Pacts and Quest Pact)

Slightly NSFW

Underwear for anyone that likes running around in a souls game without armor (NSFW)Links instead of embedded images, I've had issues where apps weren't working correctly with spoiler tags and don't want to have something slightly nsfw embedded.

Underwear and item description.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

Getting Dante is generally less grindy than some of the more recent frames especially with the pity system they added. It also came with some nice updates like better markers for Disruption and in a recent patch, made Rage/Hunter Adrenaline/Vex Armor usable even with overguard active.

From the time I've spent playing him, he feels mostly like a caster/Equinox with faster ramp-up and better survivability. I tend to play more weapon buff focus frames like Harrow/Wisp/Saryn with augments so Dante probably isn't really the frame for me. He isn't a bad choice though for anyone that likes caster style warframes/nukes though assuming you're fine with line of sight checks.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Guess the password to unlock get the Dex Color Pallet and a Clem glyph.

Warframe Anniversary Link You will have to scroll down the page a bit to find the puzzle.


[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Bromius concept art from the Soulframe Discord.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Map without Labels


Map with Labels


Secondary Map without Labels

::: spoiler spoiler



Hi Envoys! An update is coming this week for the Preludes build. Soulframe Preludes 1.1 will usher in an array of additions, changes, and fixes. We will also be sending out more invite emails! We thank you all for your continued patience as this world comes to life.

Invites require you have registered your Envoy Title at https://www.soulframe.com/.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Screenshots showing some of the in-game areas present in https://www.soulframe.com/en/media
*None of the images here are spoilers if you've already seen the gameplay trailer.

Imgur album with everything shown here and some slight variations (same scenes which may have slightly better/worse lighting/camera placement). Mostly here as a fallback for any mobile apps that have issues viewing embeds/links behind spoiler tags.

Tree Overhanging Path

Dead End Room

Dead End Room looking back

Central Dungeon


Sleeping next to Animals

Some random extras



Load Screen

Launcher Art

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

More Q&A, bug hunting and coding


Steve playing the Soulframe Preludes, some random Q&A and showing off environment.

Some spoilers, although this is considered pre-alpha so not sure how different the final version of this will be.

[Spoiler] Sunrise (dormi.zone)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So it seems that people participating in the Soulframe preludes testing is able to share screenshots. I'll try to keep anything posted as generic and non-spoilery as possible, and provide clear descriptions of what the screenshot will contain. (generic landscapes, no UI, npcs or anything shown beyond the demo shown at Tennocon.)

For anyone that does want to see more, there is a preludes-screenshot channel on the official Soulframe Discord.
*Does contain some mild spoilers (Equipment/NPCs/Areas not shown off in the demo)


Imgur Link incase mobile apps have any issues loading embedded images

This is a bit of a test post to make sure embedded images are hidden correctly, and I'll change to links only if anyone notices spoilers not hiding images correctly.

Also, just a warning that some future posts may contain mild spoilers (i.e. weapons/armor not shown in the Tennocon demo but have been posted in the public discord). Posts will have a clear description highlighting the possible spoiler so that you can choose to view an image or avoid it.

Currently only screenshots and discussions can be shared.


Add the Cumulus Collection to your Arsenal for free! These fashionable items will be available to claim through Steam from December 15, 2023 to January 10, 2024.

The Cumulus Collection includes:

  • Cirrus Armor Bundle
  • Cumulus Syandana
  • Stratus Pistol Skin
  • Spektaka Color Palette
  • 3-day Resource Booster

This has been given out before, so there's a good chance you already have everything from this collection.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

DE has started sending out emails to some people who have registered accounts for Soulframe already, and are also doing small giveaways on the Soulframe Discord channel.
Check your emails incase you were part of the first batch of giveaways, the Discord giveaways seem to pretty frequent but much fewer given out.

*I think it's limited to PC only so far.

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