Could be recoilless, you'd loose range by having the breech open / semi open but the trade off is not ripping the attacking drone apart.
Just because it's normal doesn't me it isn't bad.
Not using dented / bulging cans is a conspiracy.
Cop gave me a speeding ticket for my birthday. I'm counting it as a present because he said, "Happy Birthday" when he gave it to me.
I know my university at least gathered that data after I graduated. Kept getting emails about if I had gotten work in my field, salary, etc. I never answered and I have no idea if they would even make use of it but there was an attempt. This was 20 years ago.
That was me at 4am this morning.
Or as I like to call it, "Fun with race conditions."
Yeah the green to blue transition seemed like a smaller hurdle than I remembered.
Both are pennies on the hour investments though. Factorio Space Age has drawn me back in like the OG did years ago.
Should I make a bulleted list? Nah, just throw it in a spreadsheet.
$$$ will make him understand