More like downsizing for the inevitable fizzling out of his campaign.
That hurricane is going to hit Miami, exit Tampa and then go visit Tallahassee.
Even if its 50million ghost accounts, hes got 50 million sign ups
So its failing.
Why do they not have systems up to date where other states do?
Found a terrorist
We need a nonprofit or something that will help low income red state families relocate and find affordable housing and jobs in blue states. Red states are third-world and deserve a refugee program.
Confused. How did she not pay for it if she caused it? Is this just a major fuck up on your part for not holding her to account? I've never been in a wreck but my car has been hit in parking lots and I've never paid a dime, always the person at fault.
I posted "beat his ass anyway" to a fiight video and got mega purged.
The whole nation can watch this drive in movie with this level of projection