Or Florida updating history books to illustrate how slaves benefited from their position because they now know the skill of blacksmithing?
Religion is going the direction of right wing politics in that its silly to argue something so ridiculous.
Ah yes, the right wings reasonable arguments. Things such as "kids don't deserve food" "Trans people shouldn't exist" "LGBT doesn't deserve the same things" "Slavery was good for the slaves"
If only we had the balls to really discuss this stuff instead of just calling it evil.
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Please do, this state wants to be blue so bad. Hopefully that lady that turned republican recently gets hers too.
The diabetes induced amputation of my uncles leg was beneficial to his weight loss goals
I can usually spot the stream of drool a few yards out.
I always hear the old lady from Beavis and butthead do America when I hear the name Travis
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The only point getting proven is you don't even know the party you're supporting. You said nothing I mentioned was the truth but that was just shit from the last few months. You're wildly off the mark here and it showing big time.