
joined 2 years ago
[–] Drivebyhaiku 3 points 3 months ago

Wow, your name is pretty accurate huh?

[–] Drivebyhaiku 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Wow, lucky you.

While I won't argue that the media is causing a number of problems thinking it's a storm in a teacup is your privilege showing. Even though I live in one of the most trans accepting places on the planet I have had the unique experience of having to sneak past protesters who are trying to remove people like me from public life, using slurs over megaphones and openly marching hundreds strong in the streets... And again this is rated one of if not the most trans friendly place in the world. There is no safer place to go.

It's a lot harder to see it as a storm in a teacup when the world is dramatically becoming a smaller place for us personally because laws keep passing that people do not understand or do not care how they actually impact us. The media doesn't report a lot of us who are murdered even when it's a hate crime. This year in the US there was 41-ish such hate motivated crimes which is near double 2023's total... But we can't be sure of the actual number because a lot of the time the transness of the victim and the nature of the motive is obscured by the media reporting. Some of the media shenanigans only gets caught only by loved ones as media frequently uses vagueness and dead names that friends and community members don't recognize because that person hasn't gone by that name for decades.

Your opinion comes from the fact you don't personally have a horse in the race so whether you engage with it or not is a choice. The safe places are radically shrinking. The next government projected to win federally here is known to be openly hostile to trans people and I know that at least one of my friends will die directly as a result from them removing the supports currently in place. So enjoy the storm you aren't living friend but realize saying it doesn't exist is really crass to those who cannot find shelter.

[–] Drivebyhaiku 13 points 3 months ago

Kinda reminds me of the time Ken McElroy was murdered in the middle of Skidmore Missouri during an altercation where most of the town was present and "nobody saw anything".

[–] Drivebyhaiku 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

You do you. Everybody's circumstances are different and if you think that they give no positive value to your family life then that's the way to go. This would only be a potential strategy if you didn't want to give them up.

Baptism is also a hard line a lot of Christians get on because they think it's basic hell proofing moreso than the average rituals. It's not like they will stop their general pressures if you agree... but on this particular point people have been known to risk it BIG because they believe the mortal soul is imperiled and it comes at a point when the kid is at their most physically vulnerable being practically newborn.

Risk assessment should be holistic. It's not necessarily compromise and framing it that way risks it becoming more about a battle of egos. it's about recognizing and having a real situation assessment free from personal emotional triggers about how best to respond to potential dangers that center the baby's safety first in a way that can stop the police from getting involved because faith is not reasonable.

[–] Drivebyhaiku 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

While I realize that hard boundry setting is the new norm sometimes harm reduction is a better strategy. While a lot of folk have religious trauma to deal with that makes them want to do exactly zero church stuff one aspect of not believing in God is that a lot of the ritual aspects are pretty low stakes once one you strip away the mysticism. One way to handle the worry of your Mom wanting to do something dangerous to essentially just splash water on your kid is to participate in the silly ritual safely so that it's done with minimum risk.

There definitely are hills to die on but if you give an order you know won't be obeyed because the stakes from your Mother's perspective are incredibly high then one way to look at it is baby's safety comes first. Not because of the possible existence of the soul but because risking kidnapping to perform at end of day a boring nothing ceremony that ultimately means nothing isn't a good idea. If it is distasteful to participate because of trauma then recognizing that you can deputize somebody you trust to get the hurdle over with is an option but realistically, your kid will never gain that same trauma from this. They will grow up with a completely different belief system as their basic. If them simply being baptized is a personal trigger it is wise to unpack exactly why because whether they are or not isn't something your kid is likely going to care about. Having grown up in an agnostic environment and having a number of friends in the same situation some of us were baptized for the sake of family peace but for everyone I know it's a complete non-event. One advantage of these things actually meaning nothing is that there is no change of state. A baptized baby and a non baptized baby are the same.

To my crew anyway a lot of us our parents aversion or reactions to church stuff seems out of proportion due to them having a history. Theirs is a more volitile strongly opinionated atheism as opposed to the more passive naturalized one we developed because we do not feel betrayed by belief. Sometimes their aversion causes them to do things which from the outside display that they are still letting their rejection of religious upbringing effect their judgment in an outsized way because they didn't ever really heal.

[–] Drivebyhaiku 2 points 3 months ago

You are partially correct. Judges are allowed to perform marriages in their off hours as they are ordained to do so.

Big HOWEVER here...

Courthouse weddings are an offered service of the state. These judges are officially on the clock to perform these services which are booked through government infrastructure meaning that when they are performing this service they do so as government employees operating on Government funding. This is provided by the Government as a means to make marriage accessible to all protected legally marriagable couples. When a judge is engaged this way this is specifically what they are being paid by the government to employ their time. They cannot spend their time on other matters.

[–] Drivebyhaiku 18 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Lets be clear here. This is not a "health care ban for minors". If you are under 18 and you are looking for gender related care - which can include psychological support you require the consent of all involved parents and guardians and a licenced medical professional.

The average team who all have to agree for a young trans person's gender health to go forward and continue forward is as follows.

  • Guardians : need to be supportive, willing and be capable to demonstrate informed consent.

  • Pediatric Doctor : Serves as the baseline General practitioner since a young person's body development has specific differences from an adult.

  • Psychiatric Doctor : To repeatedly assess whether the young person is a good candidate and adhering to diagnostic frameworks of similar cases to lessen risks should there appear to be any oddities or reticence in continuing.

  • Social Case Worker : Investigates the child's relationship between parents and guardians to make sure coercion is not at play.

  • Endocrinologist : In the event of pursuing hormones or blockers this specialist observes the process and paitents must routinely go in to make sure no adverse effects are occurring.

Any of these parties may revoke their endorsement for treatment if something appears to not be going to plan. It is this panel OF ADULTS who consult and operate with informed medical consent that these laws are stripping the choices to pursue recognized treatment plans from. Not minors who are by default powerless if these adults do not align with their wishes.

[–] Drivebyhaiku -1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Does that look like a "gentleman" to you? By familiarity of this particular sort who broadcasts his open distain for trans people on his shirt I warrant he is not a chivalrous, courteous, or honorable man.

I think "male" is probably polite enough and better than he deserves.

[–] Drivebyhaiku 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Huh, I've been banging on about this for awhile in isolation after talking to a lot of cis people about gender and it's really weird to see it in an article by someone else.

Weird and validating.

[–] Drivebyhaiku 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Depends on your context of "proud". Pride movements for instance aren't nessisarily about being specifically proud of your gender / sexual orientation in the same way one is of your accomplishments. The movement co-opted the word to mean something subtly different. When some says "I am a proud gay man" for instance the statement does not imply "I think I am particularly special given this trait and am worthy of praise because of it" what is actually being implied is "I am not ashamed by this trait and will not be treated as if I should be. "

The movement has it's own language and "Pride" specifically was chosen as being the opposite of shame which was the affect people were expected to have by society. The people who created the idea did so out of participation in gay support groups at the time where the social norm was always that you had to perform a performative regret like being gay was a habit akin to a drug addiction. You were reinforced to adopt a narrative that you were unhappy and struggling - even when actually your partner and community might be a source of great joy. Gay Marches were shirt and tie events where one soberly asked for people to see you as a human that passes for straight, all the culture and actual proclivity tucked behind a neat mask where that undercurrent of shame was still at play.

True Emancipation, according to the Pride movement, was fighting the narrative that there was anything shameful about being happy. They decked themselves in rainbows as an allusion to the joy they wanted to show the world, modeled Pride events on Independence day events and affected instead of performative shame performative pride. Something that would allow them to be unapologetic in their fight for actual rights to exist in the light of day as opposed to the former affect of shame that turned them into pitiful beggars asking for scraps of patchy tolerance to exist in the shadows as people who would treat their own way of being as a failure state.

[–] Drivebyhaiku 1 points 3 months ago

I dunno if it is much a right of passage as it used to be. Where I am we've had bathroom freedom for a long while now and since we have a larger than usual trans population (Vancouver BC) folk transition bathroom use a little earlier than double take type passing but like anybody who crosses into the other side at minimum definitely looks properly trans. Abroad I have been bodily chased out of bathrooms by women when I was younger and passed for more androgynous even though I am an AFAB who never went on T. I ended up using the gents for awhile just because it meant nobody tried to clock me in the head with a purse but like... it sucked worrying that someone would clock me the other direction while I was waiting for a stall. Never personally happened so I never figured out how that experience shakes out but I was definitely trying to lay low.

Even with it being a city that puts "trans people welcome" over the bathrooms us enbies / non physically transitioned folk tend to have a pretty brutal self assessment of how we clock before we pick which restroom to take. It's really sucky how people take the whole "We don't owe you presentation" quote to infer like the way we personally choose to present doesn't actually factor into how we make choices or navigate the world... Like we still don't want to make people uncomfortable! Half of us enbies are so socially anxious that causing social friction gives us the bloody horrors and we accommodate other people at our own expense more often than not.

Like really... It boggles the mind how so many straights seem to think we operate as some kind of all powerful gender authoritarians who can force people to unquestioningly not even glance at us sideways or else we trot them to the censorship guillotine!

[–] Drivebyhaiku 11 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Hi, trans person here.

So what gets left out of these arguments a lot or misunderstood about being trans is not that this is a 'belief' based system. We are very individually aware of what we look like to other people and how we are being "clocked" by others. Take me, I am trans masculine but bodywise I have opted not to transition because of specific reasons. I don't automatically feel comfortable using the gent's washroom.

All of us are looking to find the path of least resistance in this binary that wasn't designed for us. Trans women I know who don't seemlessly pass often get stares regardless of what bathroom they use but while women might be horrible, going to the mens means that transphobes can follow you to a secondary location to assault you. If there's an individual third non gendered option that's often what we use because for me, I feel weird about being in women's spaces even if they don't hassle me and my clockable trans grildfriends don't have to deal with the anxiety of other people staring.

If I did go on hrt though it would be a different story. I, like all of us, want to use the option that makes everyone around me the most comfortable and the whole thing pass by without any incident.

Under a system that allows trans people to make the call to use what allows us to make the call about what is safest and the least path of social resistance you really don't find trans people who look like big scruffy men entering women's washrooms and claiming to be a women because that isn't a path of least resistance move. It's not that we "believe" we are our preferred gender and just automatically switch to everything right away. We are very aware that we do not fit in but why we're doing what we are doing is that our brain looks at our natal sex characteristics as abhorrent which means visually speaking we do dress so that other people can pick up on our deal and don't keep reminding us in language.

Non-binary folk are kind of the standouts but generally speaking we make the exact same sort of social risk assessments and do our business in the bathroom that other people tend to clock our gender as, not nessisarily the one we feel closest aligned with.

So really under a situation where bathrooms are a free for all a fully masculine looking and coding person wandering into a women's room not making any attempt to pass IS still a red flag worthy of heightened caution... But if you are in a place where trans men are forced to use a women's room then more than likely that's a person following the law and in following that law is risking getting the security or police called in because they had to pee and then spending the next hour being treated like a sex offender while they have their documents checked all because they weren't permitted to make the bathroom choice of social least resistance for themselves.

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