I'll look into to it
The first taste is free. Next thing you know you're hooked, addicted to audiobooks, selling your print book collection to buy more audiobooks. When those are gone, how far will you go to feed the monster?
I immediately thought about this guy
Are you me? That is my core podcast rotation, lol. I want another lawyer driven pod that covers the Trump and all the satellite cases. I'll come back here with a recommendation when I find one.
Listen to Opening Arguments Podcast. They are doing a fantastic job providing insightful legal analysis. They stick to the facts and their predictions are mostly on the mark. When they aren't, they're up front about, and explain the situation. Great jokes too, like "Cheese and Crackers" to describe Chessebro and Powel's speedy trial getting tied together
He's said that he is the "King of Debt" many times. He's been playing Uno reverse cards on all his debtors for years, but the NY AG pulled out one those custom "draw 25" cards. He is proper fucked, because "he" doesn't own anything in his name. It's all shell companies, LLCs, and what ever tricks the ultra-wealthy use, so that when they get dissolved and sold, he'll be left with nothing, won't even be able to live in Trump Tower, New York.
No, you shouldn't be more accepting. "What is good about moderate and liberal Christians is how much of the bible they ignore", I don't remember where I heard that, it's not my original thought. Things will get better when they aren't believers anymore. They are the ones making demands on us non-believers. They started it, not you.
They're the only reason I know about the place and how to properly pronounce the name.
Reminds of a quote I thought was attributed to Jefferson "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." Turns out it isn't his, but I think it's still valid.
I don't script, but I do enjoy scripting book covers. Almost always a bird, but sometimes a badger, the black and white ones, or some other cute animal.
He's like Tom getting hit with and anvil while trying to catch Jerry
This is the best secular world view I've found. Since leaving religious thinking behind, I wondered abit between nihilism and the world is what you make it. The Dichotomy of Control really resonated with me. Funny enough, I started rereading Epictetus' Enchiridion The book, How to be a Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci is good to. I found it more accessible. Here is a video with him https://youtu.be/qjz5a8X9LjU?si=0OsptyOS7MvHiYw0