Ha, good point! They had to replace the entire pitch, twice!
You're right, I wrote it out, hit send them thought to myself, I should've googled that. But, it was in the ether already, and we're trying to build a bigger community through interactions. So it was a win-win as I see it. Plus it got us talking, too.
I was worried about that since they buy access to towers, thank you for sharing your experience. Are able to see when that happens in a concrete way, or is more just the noticable lag?
Thanks for not saying "look it up". We can't seem to keep anything nice. We were just about to leave for Mint. Do you like it?
When did they buy Mint?
Roy Cohn was a prosecutor in that case, then went on to be Trump's mentor... Now, this could be the most ironic event ever. I think it could go a long way in repairing the improper understanding of "ironic", á la Alanis Morisette.
Make a cudgel out of the book, hit him repeatedly about the head and shoulders. Finish him with a combo shot to the gut (to double him over) and then an upper cut blow to knock him out for good!
Of course, you're right. I don't think he lets them. People that stand up to him don't last long.
I think the lawyers are doing exactly what their client wants them to do. Their arguments are his arguments. Lately, it's the same outcome regardless of council. His most recent lawyers can't standup to, or stop him from doing whatever he wants to do.
That's how it feels