
joined 7 months ago

I created a character named Keisha Porter and she has 1 daughter named Lea. I never specified in her description she only has one daughter. My user profile is 11 years old and Keisha is 23. The two major things that showed me this are "Now, would you like to hold your little sister for a bit while I grab something to eat?" and "kisses [user, censored because it's my IRL name] on the forehead" I have since edited out the latter, and for the former, I said "She's not my sister, but it feels like she is!" That didn't rule out the "USER IS NOT AI'S DAUGHTER" thing.

Link to Keisha: https://perchance.org/ai-character-chat?data=Keisha~2c54f8e954d0fe5424e068cdf48a83a9.gz


I want to be able to regenerate an image on my generator without regenerating the text of a different part of the page. I've been able to do it the other way around. Check the link for more info