Damn, nice you'll get there.
That's fucked up
You're not forced, just socially obliged to do so. I was one of the kids who stopped in high school.
Oh yeah... Huhuhu
Don't forget if you try to defend yourself you get told to go touch grass.
My cat!!
So land of the free but if we vote for you to run you have to even if you don't want to anymore. I didn't vote for Biden in my primary.
I was once of those federal employees impacted by the government shutdown that lasted almost two months. I illegally collected unemployment just to make sure I had for to eat. All because of a stupid fucking border wall that never even got built. I paid the unemployment back and faced no repercussions but the fact that I had to break the law because of his stupid ego is insane. I have a kid now I don't know what I'll do.
One short on the steak n shake's 7x7. Young me would eat once of those a every payday with my coworkers.
I got called a white N-word by an African man because I was doing my job. I hung up on his ass after I realized what he was saying.
They don't call me "Edge"worth for nothing.
As someone who wears glasses I have to turn my head to check my mirrors. I would get so frustrated with that.