day 4, been in a 247 zoom AA meeting all day and they were looking for a team to host so they ask if anyone wants to read from the big book and I showed mine to the camera, they unmuted me and I read page 268 for 10 mins to 150 people, it was scary but my higher power forced my hand to pick up that book. just a little bit of service, so the meeting didn't go silent, felt so fucking good yo, goosebumps of gratitude. im starting to understand I'm learning, pink cloud for sure. have a lovely day homies
joined 1 year ago
day 4 and finally back to work
just finished day 1 I'm back baby
2 days, awful withdrawals. first time I've succesfully tapered at home I knew hospitals would be flooded happy new year friends
they call me double digit davie 10 days 💅
it gets better every day:)
they call me davie 7 days 🎉
they call me davie 6 days 🐢
they call me davie 5 days 🏂
my 24hr zoom meeting went silent while they looked for a host so I read to 150 people for over an hour my throats sore and had precious little time to get to my in person meeting cause I got so into it.
service and unity, seriously feeling it. the honesty is coming I promise