Am I transported back to 1993 with all the knowledge I have now? Or am I 6 in 2023? Because the first case it becomes ridiculously easy to make 10 million... Just memorize a single set of lottery numbers for a specific time and date... and have a little knowledge to invest in apple as soon as Steve Jobs returns to the company and Tesla when it's founded, and at that point you are a billionaire.
joined 2 years ago
Yep, better to call them soccer acquaintances
From a sample set of 18 Argentinian friends who voted for Milei
Mmm... It depends, if I live in an upper middle or mid middle class or above household I'll choose going back. I could convince my parents to invest $1000 a month in my future and have 10 million by the time I am the same age I am now. Whilst also knowing what I know about the world, women, life, love and relationships from 6 to 37