
joined 1 year ago
[–] Donjuanme 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It's hot out there

[–] Donjuanme 16 points 1 day ago

It's everything, everything but subdued.

[–] Donjuanme 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Absolutely grabbed it.

I figure they're trying to boost player numbers before the summer sale (later this week).

Game had a very rough launch, and there's some questionable decisions the development team ran with (always online), but hopefully it'll get an offline mode in the future.

[–] Donjuanme 7 points 1 day ago

The supreme Court isn't certain Trump is winning

[–] Donjuanme 7 points 1 day ago

Right there with you, at this point it's absolutely a question if I want to fire up the laptop and hope the battery doesn't explode, or pull the desktop out of storage and take over the living room television. That deck is too damn versatile and portable, anything that doesn't run on it doesn't get added to the library any more, unless it's free!

[–] Donjuanme 11 points 2 days ago

I think they're trying to boost player numbers before the summer sale, shrewd, and I hope it works for them, I'll be a +1 tonight.

[–] Donjuanme 1 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Dude you're back!! Glad to see you active again

[–] Donjuanme 9 points 2 days ago

That's either a big rooster or a small hippo...

[–] Donjuanme 17 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Could it be because adoption was already high and ground space is more limited in SF county than any other county in California?

[–] Donjuanme 7 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Tips for the first timer, BE PATIENT WITH THE FIRST STARTUP AND PATCH, it'll look non responsive/stuck in updating, but it is working, it might not progress for 5 or 10 minutes, believe me, it's working. The second one I bought (for a family member) had me nervous (was refurbished) at how long I had to wait at some %'s of patching, but it went through and both work like a charm.

It is very very easy to emulate games, the guides on YouTube work perfectly and explain everything in multiple levels of detail. However it is hard to locate game files placed by steam, especially if you have a lot of games.

Don't shy away from games that aren't typically controller friendly, the community control layouts bring many creative and natural feeling solutions to games that you wouldn't expect to be able to play, on top of that you can fine tune any given layout to make it truly work for your own needs.

The in store "deck compatability" guide is pretty useless, green/verified works 99.9% of the time (unless a recent patch has broken something, and it's usually corrected very quickly) yellow/playable works 99.9% of the time but usually with "text inputs that require the keyboard overlay", unverified/untested seems to work about 75% of the time, the only one that Ive put much weight in is "not supported", usually there's some overlay window or codex that just won't work properly, but even then sometimes the games work, don't rely on the steam window, check out the proton compatability website protondb . Com, it's a much more extensive and thorough list, and will tell you how to get games working that valve claims the deck cannot handle.

Play aperture desk job at least once, it's a great fun time, and will teach you a couple things about the deck you might not have expected (conductive joysticks that enable gyro controls),

Take a screen shot (steam button+r1) of the shortcut tips screen , so you can easily reference it whenever you're trying to remember a chord command (like steam button+r1 for screenshot, or how to bring the overlay keyboard up).

If you have slow Internet and you want to download a ton of games, do it in "desktop" mode, and you can set the screen to turn off after a period of time (in case you're worried about burn in, which I was at first but I'm much less concerned about now).

[–] Donjuanme -3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Dude, if you think I've played Pokemon since red/blue, or I'm fanboying here, I'm glad to be part of your strawman because it's delusional.


Alright guys! I’m putting up 3 classic console games in three different threads with three different win conditions. All 3 winners will be selected around the same time Saturday, notified in thread and pm’d the key.

To enter this competition please respond with respond with the minutes and seconds (xx:xx) of whichever YouTube music song plays next when I press random on my mega mix playlist (over 600 songs, first song over 2:00 and under 5 minutes, 5:00)


Alright guys! I'm putting up 3 classic console games in three different threads with three different win conditions. All 3 winners will be selected around the same time Saturday, notified in thread and pm'd the key.

To enter this competition I'd like you to guess how many hours my wife's most played steam game has on it (it's going to be somewhere between 500 and 2000 hours, what is the answer? I don't know yet!)


Please comment on this thread to be eligible for this awesome game. If you're into zachtronics this is very much in line with space chem, if you have no idea what I'm talking about this game is a great intro to a 1 of a kind genre. Drawing ends Wednesday after my d&d session (10pm PST)


I hate to see this community existing without a giveaway going, so the next one is monster sanctuary.

This game is one of my favorite melting pots of genres, a platforming, party building, metroidvania, Pokemon style RPG with seasonal ladder competitions.

I have a spare key from a humble bundle that is going to be used by one of you! Add yourself to the comment thread below to be entered. Winner selected at random in 34 hours

Edit, next game will be posted to this subreddit within 24 hours. Stay tuned!

I'll roll my lucky d100 tomorrow (11:30 Pacific time) and whoever is closest can have this gem!

Please make sure you have a unique number, if two people have the same number and it comes up first person with that number gets it. No editing posts, if you think of something you want to add make it a response to your comment. If I see multiple numbers from one account I'll only accept the first number that account posted. Equal distance tie goes to the lower number.

Community creator please reach out if this isn't the way you want it done and I'll start it over fresh using whatever system you choose.

Good luck everyone! (If I'm non responsive tomorrow night entries will be cut off and I'll get to it as quickly as possible)

Edited to add platform

Edit 2. I've set an alarm for 23 hours from now, there's little chance I'm passed out at that time. If all 100 numbers are used I'll post 2 more games of higher current value (thanks steam sale!) tomorrow, with 200 entry limits each. If we don't reach, no worries, I still intend to post them in the future.

Last edit for this thread (probably), rolled a damn 100, also rolled 4 more rolls over 50 and a 49. You all owe my dice some good luck.

I've got plenty more games to give, be sure to check this sublemmy for future giveaways.


When do you stop doom scrolling and: take a break, swap to /all communities, browse by new, or start over from the beginning to see if anything new comes up?

I find myself going about 6 or 7 pages in.

To make a long story short (self.onlythepunchline)

To make a long story short, puff daddy's my uncle.


I started watching Dr who when the reboot was 3 seasons in, I think David Tennant was the greatest doctor. A few years later I finally got wife to give it a shot as I started a fresh rewatch in preparation for Matt Smith's second season, she was ok with Eccelston and Tennant but Matt Smith is far and away her favorite doctor. Does this pattern hold true for any other Dr fans?

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