He does this a lot.
You're not doing anything wrong.
I had the Pixel 7. The physical size wasn't the issue, but rather that the phone is top heavy because of the camera enclosure. Unlike other phones of its size or even larger ones like my friend's Note Ultra, the Pixel 7 always felt like it was going to fall out of my hand due to the top heaviness. I never got used to it and wound up using my old Pixel 5 for a bit before trading in the Pixel 7 for a Z Flip 5 which is much easier to handle despite being taller when open.
Jenna Lucille Picard looks... mischievous.
My primary gaming is on Xbox and I still can't tell the hamburger and copy button icons apart without looking at them when a game refers to them in a tutorial or menu.
Garak is arguably my favorite character in all of Trek, especially after reading "A Stitch in Time" which fleshes out his background considerably.
I don't think this is much of a spoiler but >!Garak basically becomes a regular without Andrew J. Robinson's name appearing in the opening credits. I don't have exact numbers but it feels like he appears in later seasons as much as Jake does!<.
Is this screencap photoshopped or actually in an episode? I don't recall ever seeing this despite watching TNG more times than I care to admit.
The sneezing and watery eyes were the key symptoms for my guy too (aside from looking unusually disheveled--the cat equivalent of bedhead). Hopefully your kitten got over the symptoms as quickly as mine did!
I can safely say that unless their design philosophy changes significantly I will never 100% an Ubisoft cookie cutter open world game because nothing they've produced is worth a hundred hours of boring repetitive gameplay.
I downloaded that movie on a whim for a long flight to Australia and it was surprisingly solid. I didn't know the source material and assumed it was a original concept. Annapurna's games are usually top tier so hopefully their movies will be as well.
Man, Odo and Kira do some downright kinky shit behind closed doors.
Good points. I haven't rewatched Voyager since the finale aired so I may have been conflating the two Janeways. I'm just going to ignore the obvious time travel issues this raises because they make zero sense.
Upvoted for the Garak and Bashir interaction.
I had that damn song stuck in my head for two full weeks after the movie came out. I seriously thought I was finally going insane in my old age.