
joined 5 months ago
[–] Diplomjodler3 24 points 5 hours ago (2 children)

If she doesn't like it, find a new wife!

[–] Diplomjodler3 1 points 6 hours ago

"How much fruitcakery can you fit into a single poster?"

Nigerians: "Hold my beer."

[–] Diplomjodler3 37 points 6 hours ago (17 children)

If you have cutting edge hardware, this might be an issue. But most people don't and for them Mint will work just fine. If you want cutting edge, don't use Mint. But that's not their focus at all. Mint is for people who just want their computer to work with minimal hassle.

[–] Diplomjodler3 2 points 7 hours ago

I still listen to this album from time to time. I first heard about them when they were featured in a CD magazine, i.e. a magazine you'd buy at the newsstand but that just consisted of the CD in a box. All the rage in the mid nineties. I had just bought my first CD-ROM drive so this was extra cool. Really loved the song so I bought the album.

[–] Diplomjodler3 8 points 7 hours ago

Five girls one star

[–] Diplomjodler3 2 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

As a cyclist you're in constant danger around car traffic. Insisting on your rights will likely get you killed. We need cycling infrastructure that is separate from car infrastructure and that will create some inconvenience for car drivers.

[–] Diplomjodler3 0 points 7 hours ago

It makes sense if you believe that cars should have absolute priority in traffic and should never never ever be in the slightest inconvenienced in order to make life easier for cyclists.

[–] Diplomjodler3 19 points 7 hours ago (3 children)

And then PETA "liberated" the cat and euthanised it the next day.

[–] Diplomjodler3 6 points 11 hours ago (5 children)

Was hat die Kirche damit zu tun? Ich dachte, man geht einfach aufs Amt und füllt einen Zettel aus? So war's bei mir. Ist aber schon etwas länger her. Da liefen die Dinosaurier noch auf der Straße rum.

[–] Diplomjodler3 8 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

Das sind doch nur wieder so linke Querulanten! Kamerad Orban ist doch ein total cooler Typ!

[–] Diplomjodler3 13 points 11 hours ago

And it complies with all regulations. As long as we comply with regulations, we don't have to come up with reasonable solutions.

[–] Diplomjodler3 23 points 12 hours ago (4 children)

Ja, super. Da muss man in Ungarn ja überhaupt keine Bedenken haben.

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