Yes to wicked bastards going to heaven, as long as it is true repentance. God knows the heart, and just saying the right words isn't going to cut it.
Being taught the Bible is a requirement, but only so that you can understand enough to believe. You don't need to be a scholar by any means.
Dying as a child is a more debated point. Some say there is a period of innocence before which God does not send you to hell (generally seen as children who don't yet understand right from wrong). Others say that this is just wishful thinking. Regardless, it isn't discussed explicitly in the Bible and there are verses that are ambiguous enough to be read either way. For my part, I think that there's no way to be sure until we die and find out, and it doesn't affect any of my other beliefs, so I don't think it matters which one you choose to believe.
Happy to help. Of course, purgatory in general is a whole different discussion, but I'm sorry to hear that you got pushed away by his stubbornness. It is good to keep learning though, so A+ for you :)