I like your idea better. That way, it's the whole mall that is relatively safe. New plan, turn AC way low, find one of those amazing massage chairs, drag it to the movie theater, cast Netflix to the big ass screen and watch movies all night.
Take some warm clothes, hang out in a walk in fridge at the the food court. Easiest however much they're paying me for this I've ever made.
Having lived in Florida, I can assure it, it's completely unreal.
I want these mugs
I do, too. You've also just made me realize I have the ability to make a lampshade with a patterned fabric if I want, and I've never considered that before. This excites me.
This reminds me hard of Randall from Recess for some reason
Genuinely excited about this. I'm a big audiobook fan, but I've never done these kinds of audio stories, how different are they to audiobooks?
It was fricking good. At least 3/4s good.
Ended too soon? Too many to list. My most recent gripe is half bad on Netflix.
Too long? Most recent is nurse Jackie.
It's giving Little House on the Eve of War
Thank you!
It might be, it knows about me and his brother. :/