How do people even live in this world? MC can't walk into a town without being accosted by some random mook.
I just created an account there and when it came time to add books, a whole bunch of books I read didn't even show up. I'll have to look more into it when I have more time.
It's such a crazy display on just how advanced the Federation really is that a small group of rogue Star Fleet officers were able to successfully leapfrog the cloaking tech to such a degree. There was another episode where the Romulans tried and failed to create that same technology but I can't remember if it was before or after Pegasus.
In DS9, a Vorta makes a comment about Star Fleet engineers being able to turn rocks into replicators and he really wasn't that far off.
I've been playing Rimworld with the Biotech DLC. I haven't gotten to try any of the new stuff yet due to a series of unfortunate events that have been kicking my teeth in.
Sea of Stars is definitely a game I'm looking at getting at some point.
The best part of the whole thing is that it worked. I wonder what the Romulans thought when they saw it.
I would consider squatting a form of sitting not standing but if that's what people mean then it at least makes more sense to me.
This question pops up every now and then on social media and it always blows my mind that there are people who wipe standing up. I just don't understand the logistics of it and it seems like it would make things more difficult.
Wouldn't blowing up also render the console inoperative? I would think safely shutting down would be preferable to exploding if the end result is still a dead console.
Nog and Jake's business venture was one of my favorite DS9 episodes. I'm still upset that Jake didn't become a business man when he got older. I always thought it would have completed their story arc: the Ferengi joins Star Fleet and the Star Fleet officer's son goes into business earning profit.
Everyone saying to go to Lemmy after the Reddit thing. I always browsed Reddit through their webpage so the third party app thing didn't really bother me but I thought the whole Fediverse concept sounded interesting and decided to see what it's like.
It was awhile ago but I read that a lot of streaming services don't make a profit and I can understand the logic. With ads, there is a direct link between a show and it's profits. The more people watch a show, the more people see the ads, the more a company can charge for ads on that show. Without ads it becomes difficult. It doesn't matter if 100 people watch or a million, the profits are the same.
I feel it's inevitable that streaming services are going to go back to ads. It's the better business model.
Although I haven't used it since college, I actually liked C++ especially once I understood pointers.