
joined 2 years ago
[–] Dewded 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)


That address is on the money. Bill should be funding local business in Africa directly for the most immediate impact in the region.

His current approach at best helps once the innovations become accessible.

I do agree with Gates in part that hunger is a production problem. Increasing supply lowers price, which would help with food accessibility. It's not a silver bullet and has many blockers, like the issues mentioned in the address.

[–] Dewded 15 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Do you have articles on Gates' work causing harm on the food sector? I'd love to learn more.

He had some valid reasoning behind preventing an open source covid vaccine. Whether it was the right call is up for debate.

The most prominent reason that stuck in my mind was to ensure the vaccines were of high quality and made using proper equipment. This is reasonable as a bad one could've drastically reduced trust among the general population.

[–] Dewded 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hell, that's still heaps.

[–] Dewded 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Depends on your currency.

USD or EUR? Probably more like 20-40%.

Venezuelan bolivar? 99% is a pipe dream.

[–] Dewded 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If one country begins sharing resources and wealth, it will get stomped by the others that don't.

Capitalism can't be stopped without a violent revolt of colossal proportions. We're talking billions of people dead, displaced or left vengeful. It's a recipe for disaster.

Peaceful options won't work at global scale. Even if people begin to vote with their hearts en masse, it won't change nations where voting is moot.

I'm against violence, so the best I can see happening in my lifetime is me understanding and living with the system we inhabit and trying to alter what little I can in my small country for future generations.

[–] Dewded 10 points 1 year ago

I work in an AI company. 99% of our tech relies on tried and true standard computer vision solutions instead of machine-learning based. It's just that unreliable when production use requires pixel precision.

We might throw a gradient descent here or there, but not for any learning ops.

[–] Dewded 1 points 1 year ago

Pretty much. Doesn't help that Firefox is the best browser for customizing your browsing experience. So all adblockers are very good on it.

Probably some summer trainee tasked with solving the Firefox + ublock Origin combo made an oopsie.

With all that said: fuck Google for even beginning their crusade against adblockers.

[–] Dewded 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

On a global scale you're right.

If we're discussing the scope of a nation, strong enough tax laws and safeguards for unions prevent ludicrous growth within its own contained system. This can allow people to experience a reasonably fair society.

Finland definitely is still benefiting off of cheap labour from poorer nations though. How to solve that especially if our country wants to retain its status, I would not know where to start. World domination?

[–] Dewded 1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I'm answering from the perspective of living in a country with functional democracy, so it's hard to see the power the wealthy have over it.

Lobbying and representative campaign funding are more transparent here. No party has majority seats alone, coalition governments are a necessity. Legislation is consensus driven.

Finland is very much operating in a capitalism driven economy while still supplying its citizens socialism driven security.

Capitalism is like fire. It's a good tool, but a bad master. With appropriate legislative checks in place, it won't get out of control.

In the States it already has, but that doesn't mean that capitalism is bad. Just that nobody was tending the fire.

[–] Dewded 0 points 1 year ago (7 children)

I think exactly that way and am as left as you can be in the Finnish mainstream party system, with the exception of small sub-1% parties like the Communist Party.

Landlords & Billionaires = living, breathing taxation waiting to happen

Even if we were to tax a billionaire by 80%, they would probably still be a billionaire. However, they would also indeed be creating jobs, wealth and sustainable growth. School systems, medicine, hospitals, city infrastructure, job placement programmes, you name it, they fund it.

Corporate tax is also grossly under-utilized.

Capitalism isn't bad if you tax it hard and use the money for the welfare of citizens.

[–] Dewded 8 points 1 year ago

She's an optional boss. You don't need to beat her to finish the game.

[–] Dewded 1 points 1 year ago

Crosstracking is indeed a thing. Obviously it has its limits, since the other devices have to communicate back. It should be easy enough to see all devices that are on the same network though.

IoT is a popular attack vector. So proper precautions should be made. Perhaps only give them access to your guest wi-fi. Perhaps a separate network entirely.

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