It's the American way.
My wife is the first time and I'm the second type. By our powers combined, we're barely functional!
He's busy pressing the snake button on the microwave.
The problem is if you want cheap, you have to use their app and be ok with the deals that are offered. I've resigned myself to the fact that it's probably the cheapest option in the event I forgot to bring my lunch to work. I can get a double cheeseburger and a 6pc nuggets for $4. It's not much variety but it's something in a pinch.
If you're not using the app, then their prices are criminal compared to what they used to be.
I've never coordinated my lock screens until I saw these pictures.
Lock Screen
Home Screen
I was supposed replace the toilet last Friday but after I had it removed, we decided to quickly paint the bathroom while the wall wasn't obstructed. As I'm taping off the baseboard, my fingers are grazing the drywall to smooth out the tape and they go right through... Complete mush. Rotted wood behind it. Yay! I was finally able to get a plumber out yesterday to fix the problem pipe. Drywall is completely cut away. Fan is airing it out so I can cut new wood tomorrow and get it all patched up. At this pace, I'll finally have the toilet replaced by Wednesday.
I remember back in elementary school going over to my friends house after school to play this game all the fuckin time. HoMM 3 was the shit homie!
Been using Action Launcher since it came out! My phone woukd be a completely different experience without it, and not for the better.
As soon as I saw the right wing conspiracy theories about KC winning, I knew something was going to happen if they won. It's such a sad state we're in when a sporting event is politicized.
Where didn't he?
Bruh, fuckin sticky is an understatement!
Regarding my setup, I started in a 2x4 under a Migro Aray 4 and they stayed here for most of veg. While they were in their starter pots, I top watered everything but after I transplanted my final 4 into 2gal rain science bags, they were then bottom fed for the rest of their lives.
Eventually, I got the 3x3 purchased along with the Viparspectra KS3000. After a few weeks of being in their final home, I was able to get the last components of my flood and drain setup finalized. It would have been sooner but I accidentally cracked the flood table and finding a replacement 2x2 flood table was rather difficult at that time. Out of stock everywhere!
Here's my full schedule. Keep in mind that I did not run any Cannazyme this grow and I only had enough boost left over for my pk 13/14 week. Outside of that week, I only ran A+B, Rhizotonic and Calmag.
Canna Coco Nute Schedule
40 Gal. Res. (pump and dump every 2 weeks)
Seedlings & Clones EC = 0.7 PPM = 350
Coco A 200 ml 5 ml/Gal.
Coco B 200 ml 5 ml/Gal.
Cannazyme 150 ml 3.5 ml/Gal.
Rhizotonic 50 ml 1 ml/Gal.
CalMag 40 ml 1 ml/Gal.
Drip Clean 16 ml 0.4 ml/Gal
Veg. EC = 1.0 PPM = 500
Coco A 300 ml 7.5 ml/Gal.
Coco B 300 ml 7.5 ml/Gal.
Cannazyme 200 ml 5 ml/Gal.
Rhizotonic 40-80 ml for PH 1-2 ml/Gal.
CalMag 40 ml 1 ml/Gal.
Drip Clean 16 ml 0.4 ml/Gal
Flower EC = 1.3 PPM = 850
Coco A 400 ml 10 ml/Gal.
Coco B 400 ml 10 ml / Gal.
Cannazyme 250 ml 6 ml/Gal.
Boost 320 ml 8 ml/Gal.
Rhizotonic 40-120 ml 1-3 ml/Gal. (Adjust amount to dial in PH for your water)
CalMag 40 ml 1 ml/Gal.
Drip Clean 16 ml 0.4 ml/Gal
PK 13/14 200 ml Weeks 3-5 5 ml/Gal. (Run A+B @ 7.5ml/Gal.)
Light Schedule:
18/6: 6am - 12am
12/12: 12pm - 12am
Seedling Flood Schedule:
1x10 min - 7am
Veg Flood Schedule:
4x10 min - 7am, 3pm, 7pm, 3am
Early Flower Flood Schedule:
2x10 min - 1pm, 6pm
Flower Flood Schedule:
4x10 min - 1pm, 5:30pm, 11pm, 6am
Late Flower Flood Schedule:
2x10 min - 1pm, 6pm
Oh man! I've got to snag this.