Realizing the US Army is the most socialist institution I've ever encountered didn't happen till years after I was out, lol
You want school? Get it! You want food? Get it! You want clothes? You already fucking got em
Realizing the US Army is the most socialist institution I've ever encountered didn't happen till years after I was out, lol
You want school? Get it! You want food? Get it! You want clothes? You already fucking got em
This is exactly what I would want a compulsory service to look like.
Fuck the military, let's build bridges and houses and schools, and cafeterias, and farms, and staff them. Roads and hospitals.
Nobody ever needed to make a fucking bomb
Man, I once woke up and couldn't figure out why my coffee was total shit one morning.
Turns out, the clearly stated HALF AND HALF I bought the day before was the fat-free version.
The label was exactly as different as the pic. Same color, same logo, fine print in a color that made it look like a bullshit swirly design along the edge of the color box below the title of the product saying fat free
HALF AND HALF HAS TO HAVE FAT OR IT ISNT FUCKING HALF AND HALF. You gonna fuckin whip non-fat half and half? Hell no you're not, the shit that makes it whip ain't in there
The company is counting on you mistaking the garbage product that is most likely some form of repurposed industrial waste and nearly free for them to produce, for the thing you're actually looking for. I mean Christ, invert the colors. Grab a different clipart. Any fucking goon with an iphone could edit those labels enough to be easily distinguishable in 15 seconds, counting the time the thing takes to 'airdrop' it
So the article says they've done ten successful launches.
What does that actually mean? It's real short on details.
They've successfully put ten payloads in orbit? Or what?
Maybe, but look at the pinephone (also all linux users should be banned from ever naming anything, ever)
I want one. It has so many features I fucking love.
I'm way too computer stupid to make it work
I have a freind who's been using it to compose all the apologies they don't actually mean. Lol
Ahh, man made horrors well within my comprehension
Went on a spontaneous trip very recently.
Spent a little more money than I'm comfy with.
Truck sprung some issues.
Saw some things I would never have seen otherwise. Some beautiful things, creatures, happenings, and places.
I'll fix the damn truck. Make the money back (or so)
Is it risk, or are you just being a pussy? Yeah, the human world sucks, but you don't need all the garbage they sell you, and there's worthwhile experiences you won't get with your nose stuck down to the grindstone.
I bet you risk your life, limbs, and liberty every single day driving into work.
I've had multiple friends die driving. They never thought THAT was a risk.
Go somewhere you don't plan to. It aint gonna last forever
It really is dead, isn't it?
And how, precisely, am I supposed to tell random fucking jackoffs like in the story?
None of you fucks even know what a DNR is, means, what it looks like, and not a single one of you cunts could be expected to uphold it even if you were told.
You don't get a special bracelet. This isn't the 'life alert' infomercial. Tattoos mean absolutely nothing to medical professionals.
You literally have to have a DNR on file, active, in your county of residence, and they have to look it up. Which will not happen until you're already admitted.
And if you get sent to a hospital in a different county? Because you're visiting family or something? You're fucked. You're on a machine, keeping you alive. As long as your shitty relatives feel like it.
I have no desire to die incoherent in a hospital with no concept of what's going on other than everything is uncomfortable. And with the united state's version of healthcare, I will have to make sure I die somewhere else.
When I die, it isn't fucking about you
National currencies ARE fiat currencies.
Like the Chinese have been fixing the value of their currency to the dollar, and the federal reserve does exactly that thing where they inflate it at will. Or keep it at zero, and the rest of the corporations inflate it nowadays. Whichever.
Either way, it's a scam. And I'm not saying the gold standard was a great idea either. It worked at the time, i guess? I don't know, I wasn't there. This fiat currency situation seems possibly workable, but I haven't seen it doing so. At least not for anyone who isn't already in the club.
The value of money is all made up bullshit anyway, can we at least get some healthcare out of it? Maybe some roofs? Food?
I like my friends not starving or freezing to death.
Oh you sweet summer child