Agreed. At minimum, at least a shifting shimmer, even if subtle.
Same principles apply for my eyeshadow. If it needs to be nude, it’s still a multichrome lmao
Agreed. At minimum, at least a shifting shimmer, even if subtle.
Same principles apply for my eyeshadow. If it needs to be nude, it’s still a multichrome lmao
Lol my “neutral palate cleanser” usually still has at least some sparkle haha
Products: UNT peel off base coat, vibrant scents double bond base coat, polished for days soft focus in snow, 2 coats BKL beach off, vibrant scent fast and hard top coat.
Ah, I def get not wanting to name/support controversial brands.
Nice polish display! I imagine your station might look like a murder scene under blacklight lmao
Welcome!!! What color is this? It’s gorgeous 😍. Is it one polish or a base color with shimmer topper?
Also…nice keyboard! My nail battlestation is in a different room from my gaming battlestation, as my spouse and I have side-by-side computer setups and I would drive him crazy with my swatching clusterfuck lol
Love it, perfect for summer! I bet your mani is blinding in the sun lol
Love that they included G’raha nom nomming away and Estinien panicking from being surrounded by dozens of adorable small creatures ahaha
Beautiful!!! I love how vivid the blue is.
I don’t have a long-standing favorite, but the one I am currently obsessed with is Bluebird’s 24 karat goldfinch. Can’t stop staring!
Oh man, mooncat was another brand I got sucked into. Their marketing is so good, I couldn’t resist lol
Oh man, holo taco is a brand that I know I will love so am actively trying not to buy any since I know I will want everything. Death Valley nails is another, but I think they have unique thermals that I will eventually want to try.
So sparkly! 🤩
Women can be doctors too. Most ob/gyns are women.