
joined 11 months ago
[–] Dearth 3 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Open carry is legal in that region. The shooter was well outside of the rally and well within his 2nd amendment rights to be open carrying.

A rational person would say that he voided his rights as soon as he started eyeing the rally through his scope. But the 'goodguy with a gun' cult is far from rational.

[–] Dearth 3 points 7 months ago

I got some buldak instant noodles to try. They are very very spicy. Ive definitely been served spicier foods at restaurants, but i dont think ive ever had a spicier instant ramen packet

[–] Dearth 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

If you define useful tools as "crap" then i can see why it's illogical too you.

I do not define tools as useless "paraphernalia." I carry enough things with me to get my bike back on the and me to my destination without having to rely on anyone else. If i flat 3 tires on my hour long bike commute, but ive only got 2 CO2 carts, then that pump is going to get me home.

[–] Dearth 2 points 7 months ago (3 children)

My pump doesnt go in my bag it's strapped to my frame. When im commuting im carrying lunch, and a change of clothes. What is a few extra ounces fit piece of mind?

I like commuting on lightweight tires and standard butyl tubes because the lowered rotational weight is much more noticeable than the static weight of an extra co2 cartridge, tube and pump. I commute on the same road bike I use for fun.

Airing up my bike before i leave in the morning and not riding in the gutter means I'm not putting my tires where all the thorns and road debris is located.

Im not gram conscious. And i think it's a little ironic that you are considering how heavy you've made your wheels in the name of flat protection.

[–] Dearth 1 points 7 months ago

Trump had a detailed and well founded plan to end the ADA and build a wall on america's southern border.

Im sure Trump also has a detailled and well founded plan to run a casino as well

[–] Dearth 3 points 7 months ago (8 children)

Some people (myself included) like having a pump in addition to a couple CO2 carts just to be prepared

[–] Dearth 23 points 7 months ago

So does personal growth

[–] Dearth 8 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Autism/ adhd masking

[–] Dearth 51 points 7 months ago (2 children)

As a guy with audhd and long hair, when life gets extra tough, cutting all my hair off is simple way to remove extra self-care steps from my life. This allows me to focus on other more pressing tasks. And it's completely reversible

[–] Dearth 1 points 7 months ago

There's a limit to how wide your seat should be. Too wide and the seat is unable to support your sit bones and will interfere with your pedaling

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