
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I like how you hated it so much, you tried it multiple times 😆

I can't stomach anything with tonic water. It must be an acquired taste because it's so bad.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

It's good to hear you are aware of it and in contact with Nothing4You.

It unfortunately doesn't have an obvious solution, and seems there's no consensus yet. See the github issue. So I wouldn't hold my breath on getting an update to fix it any time soon. Also LW are always careful about updates, often taking months to upgrade. They should be especially careful when it's an upgrade to change how federation works.

The work to install the batcher isn't that bad. The software is all there, you just add a container to your Lemmy stack and then run an ansible playbook to set up the remote VPS automatically. It was the first time I'd used ansible properly and it wasn't too hard.

Nothing4You can hold your hand through it, it's worth doing!

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago (1 children)

That's honestly pretty amazing that you've been here a year and haven't seen a troll! Though you're on an instance with a very active and determined admin, there is definitely a difference in how much you see between instances because of how removals work.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

The matrix one

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Well in you hop then, while I'm sorting out how to do graphs. I've removed the expiry so you can finish your submission.

Anyone else can hop in too if you haven't done it, as long as you're quick 🙂


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

If you search with the term "ice cream float" instead of "spider", there are plenty of recipes!


I'm not willing to try it since I don't like wine, but I encourage you to give it a go and report back!

[–] [email protected] 232 points 1 day ago (58 children)

Me as an instance admin sitting here reading about how Lemmy doesn't have trolls and Russian bots, while I'm in a chat with other instance admins and mods where we need to actively coordinate to fight the trolls and Russian bots 😐

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 day ago (1 children)

From what I've seen, they aren't building the games, they are licensing existing ones. There are decent games in the mix.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

This is really cool! There's always a question around datacentres and water use, being able to reuse it is amazing!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

One thing I learnt in making the jump to Linux as a daily driver is to keep all my documents and files on a separate partition. There are so many distros that I wanted to test a few, and I got sick of copying 600GB around all the time. Much easier to keep them separated on a partition away from the boot partition.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Haha one of my pet peves for data visualisation is graphs that don't start at zero. I get sometimes the movement is too small to visualise properly when you start from zero, but you can't probably understand the scale if you don't start at zero.

I bet you'll argue with me on that!


The infrastructure minister wants more private sector financing, such as public-private partnerships (PPPs), to pay for major projects.

In a speech to Local government New Zealand on Thursday night, Chris Bishop said he wanted government grant funding to become a last resort for councils.

"Infrastructure has to be paid for and at the moment, it's largely paid for by the Crown - which is taxpayers - or it's paid for by ratepayers. And what we're saying is that user-pays has a role to play here as well. Things like water metres, things like congestion pricing in our major cities and things like toll roads.


House values continue to fall, with some main centres seeing an increase in the rate of decline.

The latest QV House Price Index shows home values fell by a national average of 0.2 percent over the three months to the end of May, which was down slightly from the 0.1 percent quarterly growth reported in April.

The average house value was sitting at $923,713, which was 3.9 percent up on the year earlier, though 13 percent down from the peak in late 2021.

Auckland led the market down with a 1.4 percent drop in quarterly values for the fourth month in a row.


A recent Master's thesis has found a Milford Sound tsunami - triggered by a landslide - may leave no survivors, with as many as 3500 dying if the wave hits during the peak of the tourist season.

The new modelling, which builds on more than a decade of research, shows the best chance of survival relies on people running for higher ground before the shaking stops.

The best-case scenario shows 5.2 percent of people would survive the wave, and in this case the tsunami would have to hit at night, during the winter offseason, when only a few hundred people would be in the area.

Edited title to make it sound less like there was just a tsunami and everyone died.


A man has been shot by police after he hit one of them with a vehicle, and another remains on the run, after a raid in South Auckland.


Analysis - "Boot camps" for young people who commit serious offending are coming back. The coalition government has promised to pilot "military-style academies" by the middle of the year - despite a wealth of international and New Zealand evidence that boot camps do not reduce reoffending.

It has been encouraging to see this evidence receive extensive media coverage and expert analysis. Less encouraging, however, has been the minister for children's reported rejection of expert advice that the boot camp model is flawed and ineffective.

So, why do we keep returning to interventions that don't work? For boot camps, there are at least three possible explanations.

First, they appeal to politicians who want to appear tough on crime, while also saying they are encouraging rehabilitation options.

Second, boot camps seem to have a strong appeal to common sense: people want to believe structure and military discipline can turn around young people's lives, and this belief outweighs contradicting evidence.

Third, boot camps can take different forms, so evidence of their ineffectiveness can be avoided by claiming, as the minister has, that improvements will be made this time.

This seems unlikely, however, when the core features that characterise boot camps - strong discipline in particular - are a main reason they don't work. To understand why, we need to look at the psychology of punishment and behaviour change.


A delay in dropping petrol prices is costing motorists $15 million a year at the pump.

The Commerce Commission's analysis of fuel monitoring data shows retailers are quick to put prices up in response to increased costs, but slow when it comes to bringing prices down when oil prices fall or the exchange rate changes.

"We can see clear evidence showing that fuel companies maintain temporarily higher margins after a decrease in their costs, lasting up to two weeks - at great expense to Kiwi motorists.


ACT leader David Seymour is playing down reported complaints from volunteers about his party's culture.

Last week, Stuff reported claims of volunteers leaving the party, expressing no confidence in the board and raising concerns about the party's treatment of women.

The reports said sources close to the party accused its campaign leadership of creating a "culture of fear".

But leader David Seymour has brushed off the reports, saying they are not representative of ACT as a whole.


This is a reminder to fill in the community census.

Direct link to fill it in here: https://survey.lemmy.nz/index.php/493338?lang=en

No questions are mandatory, just fill in what you are comfortable with.

I will leave this open until Sunday 16th, then will start analysing the data after that.

We currently have 42 completed responses, and based on the number of active users in the last month we can do a lot better. If you haven't filled it in, please do!

It doesn't matter if your account is on Lemmy.nz or not, if you're participating here then please fill it in!


Known for its iconic maunga like Rangitoto and Maungawhau Mt Eden, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland is a city built on an active volcanic field that has erupted at least 53 times.

But beneath streets, houses and parks, there are other – hidden – remnants of the city’s fiery past: hundreds of lava caves.


Last week's thread here

Welcome to this week’s casual kōrero thread!

This post will be pinned in this community so you can always find it, and will stay for about a week until replaced by the next one.

It’s for talking about anything that might not justify a full post. For example:

Something interesting that happened to you
Something humourous that happened to you
Something frustrating that happened to you
A quick question
A request for recommendations
Pictures of your pet
A picture of a cloud that kind of looks like an elephant
Anything else, there are no rules (except the rule)

So how’s it going?


A northern rātā (Metrosideros robusta), located near a cemetery in Karamea on the South Island's West Coast, has won the Tree of the Year award in a landslide victory.

The tree, known affectionately as The Walking Tree, as it looks like it is walking across the paddock in high heels as well as having a resemblance to one of J R R Tolkien's sentient, tree-like Ents from Lord of the Rings, won 42 percent of the votes in the annual competition.

NZ Arb runs the Tree of the Year campaign

"This award recognises the significant role that trees play within our communities, not only enhancing our local environments but also providing a sense of place for past, present, and future generations," he said.

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