And 1.3 million people are killed by cars every year. It's a fucking bloodbath. So driving a car is similar to intentionally murdering people, of course. Don't pretend you are innocent if you drive a car.
not eating meat has been scientifically proven to reduce your health due to protein starvation
Citation needed
It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.
Now look at what humans do to cows, or even to other humans. We commit atrocities at a scale that no other species has ever achieved. According to your logic, humans deserve to be treated even worse than cows.
Chips sind inzwischen derart essentiell für unsere Wirtschaft, da können wir uns nicht nur auf Taiwan als Zulieferer verlassen. Das hat nichts mit politischer Ausrichtung zu tun, das ist eine Maßnahme nach der Chipknappheit durch Corona. Leider können kleinere Unternehmen in dem Wirtschaftszweig schon lange nicht mehr mit den großen Konzernen mithalten.
Linke geben den unpersönlichen Konzernen gerne Milliarden
Wo z.B.?
Dem Bäckermeister nicht weil der dann einen Mercedes fährt und man da neidisch ist.
Tafeln sind überlastet, Studenten können sich kein Essen mehr leisten, 2,8 Millionen Kinder wachsen in Deutschland in Armut auf. Ach die kommen schon klar, Hauptsache der Bäckermeister bekommt fette Luxusprodukte subventioniert.
Solidarität mit Armen wäre eindeutig Neid, deswegen nur Solidarität mit denen die sich einen Mercedes leisten können.
Das kann man sich echt nicht ausdenken, wtf.
How so? If I were to compare racism and sexism to argue that sexism is bad, that doesn't play down racism in any way, to the contrary. The same is true for comparing the ideological basis of racism and speciesism. Please explain why that's disgusting.
After extracting the protein and nutrients for plant-based products there's not much nutrition left to use it as animal feed though. It's probably not nutritionally appropriate for cows, pigs and chickens at that point. Using it for insect farming would seem more realistic to me, or as a growth medium for edible mushrooms.
Using it to make plant-based meat alternatives or tofu or soy milk would be more efficient than feeding it to animals, where most of the nutrients and calories are used up by their metabolism.
Mods always used to be passion projects by volunteers, motivated purely by the love for the game and the community and the vision of the mod. This is what made the modding scene special to many. Is it really suprising that people are sad to see this culture being changed by monetization now, especially if they suddenly can't afford mods?
Racists say racism is a normal part of life too. If you can't argue why it's a false equivalency that isn't an argument at all.
There are even humans that eat other humans. Therefore eating humans is fine?
Animals also commit infanticide, so lets all kill some children I guess.
The experts would disagree.