
joined 2 years ago

My balcony is coming along very nicely. Tomatoes are doing really great, carrots are doing good and my wildflowers are starting to bloom. #Plants #Pflanzen #BalconyGarden #Gardening #GardenersOfMastodon @plants


My cacti and succulents that I ordered arrived today. First row left to right: Cotyledon tomentosa ( so soft and fluffy) , Cotyledon tomentosa variegata, Mamillaria plumosa, Second row left to right: Euphorbia horrida, Polaskia chichipe, Eulychnia castanea ‘Spiralis‘, Third row left to right: Haworthia limifolia ‘Twister‘, Opuntia spinosior, Rhipsalis baccifera
#plants #pflanzen #cacti #kakteen @plants