
joined 2 years ago
[–] Cthulu_but_gay 5 points 10 months ago

You have, quite hilariously, misinterpreted legalization of cannabis with legalization of television on that wiki article

[–] Cthulu_but_gay 1 points 11 months ago

I don't know if this is sarcasm or if you consider six decades of being colonies as a win

[–] Cthulu_but_gay -4 points 11 months ago (2 children)

The French beg to differ

[–] Cthulu_but_gay 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Truly only Americans are at risk because of their actions, astute observation there

[–] Cthulu_but_gay -3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Wow this comment flash banged me, would never have expected someone to not like the second book if they enjoyed the first.

I'm not trying to disregard your opinion but for others that are thinking about reading the book I think this comment does not capture the quality of the Dark Forest. To name a few scenes I loved:

(SPOILER WARNING for Dark Forest: there are no specific story spoilers, just mentions of scenes from the book)

!The zero gravity assassination was thrilling to read. The teardrop confrontation filled me with a sense of dread that I haven't found in other recent sci-fi novels/media. The interstellar ship Mexican standoff was terrifying to witness unfold. The 4D sequences were conceptualized and explained in a way that I found interesting, if a little dense in content. The ending left me with a feeling of both terror and hope which I had not experienced before.!<

Anyway, not trying to throw shade on your opinion but it sounds like you did not give it a fair go. They are HARD sci-fi books, they demand your time and focus to appreciate. If you can't be bothered that's fine, but to call them flawed is disingenuous imo. Not saying I'm anything special by getting through them, but if I can read and comprehend (most) of what happened then it should be doable for the majority of people. There were several times when I had to reread a page to understand what had happened but I enjoyed that process instead of simply giving up and I was rewarded with what has become my favourite series in the genre.

(I concede that I did not enjoy the third book nearly as much as the first two, but that's not a good reason to ignore how awe inspiring the first two books are.)

If you're reading this and want to give the trilogy a go as a sci-fi fan, you won't regret it.

[–] Cthulu_but_gay 9 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Well this will be interesting

[–] Cthulu_but_gay 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I hope you finally understand.

Sentences usually need subjects. :)

[–] Cthulu_but_gay 14 points 1 year ago (8 children)

I love history and discoveries like this fascinate me, but do they serve any functional purpose? Does knowing that Babylonians understood angles change anything in my daily or long term life?

Not trying to be critical, just a question I often pose myself but have yet to think of a reassuring answer for.