Goldband, ik dacht even dat ze het over gipspleister van Knauf hadden.
Oohh nice, even tho i'm not really the right person for such a game.
I keep losing track and starting over, then realizing i want it to look cooler...start rebuilding and lose interest and drop the game fir quite a time until i find out i lost track and start the cycle over again.
People still go for his games after what was done with Godus?
Thanks, i like far
It's one of the few places i have managed to find some like minded people when it comes to some sexual interests of mine, it would probably make me sad for a bit if i can't use it anymore.
We'll see what happens, being EU i would assume they start with some decent fines followed by some heavier ones before they actually pull the plug tho.
I'm only human, haha.
I'm glad to see the discussion going on.
Good luck getting an answer, most people really think we don't need to make our own firearms.
Even most of the pro firearm people from America.
As if we aren't already converting alarm pistols into firearms.
Ah i see, time for ford to go down in the history books.
Not like that will happen, but i truly think they deserve that as a result for even considering this.
I'm already sick of the amount of ads that find a way into my private living space, but i've managed to negate 90% of them.
"We need to make money" yeah sure, but not at the cost of me. If you want to make money off of me i need you to sell me stuff i get to keep and are actually worth the cost.
I work too much and make too little to allow them to invade my private space.
Het zou maar eens vervelend zijn als je als fitte tiener die wel wat extra beweging kan gebruiken op een normale fiets moet gaan zitten...alsof het een soort gevangenis straf is.
Die jongelui durft niet eens op school te poepen omdat anderen dan onder ogen zouden kunnen komen dat zij ook lichamelijke functies hebben waar je niet omheen kunt.
Hou eens op de hele flikkerse rommel als baby's te behandelen terwijl er heel veel mensen door gewond raken.
Er is een probleem, los dat op.
Because we all did it, our entire family, all of our friends and every coworker.
I just pirate that porn, heck many of them charge for their OF while they post the same shit that's on their insta and when they do release something worthwhile you gotta dunk another 50 to get it.
While already spending 8 bucks a month just to see a mirror of their instagram.
Just sell the damn video for 58 bucks and leave out the bullshit part of the deal. They're just playing into addiction related habits to get you to spend more.