
joined 1 year ago
[–] Crimesawastin 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah, i wonder how much of it is useful to know. Guess I'll have to read it to find out. Damn

[–] Crimesawastin 8 points 1 year ago

He ran on getting kids out of cages and there is still a giant open-air prison for refugees on the border. He busted the railroad union. Those are two pretty big issues for the left. He's further right than Obama, and probably futher right than Nixon, if you compare their platforms. Fighting fascism by moving further right is a really bad way to fight fascism.

[–] Crimesawastin 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That's true, Dale never died. He was kidnapped by the USDA because he stole a bunch of GMO seeds from Monsanto. They were seeds for a special type of potato that contains nicotine. I heard they took him to that big underwater dome off the coast of British Columbia, and faked his death.


The whole manual is just full of contradictory stuff. It's a red flag from Ur Fascism, like how syncretic ideologies are always contradictory

[–] Crimesawastin 5 points 1 year ago

A lot of people try to get refugee status in the US, but the CBP puts them in open-air prisons in the desert. There are also are least 16 million undocumented immigrants living in the US. They don't all have to "sneak", they just overstay their visas.

The CBP was commissioned explicitly to enforce racial "hygiene" in the US. I don't understand how they weren't disbanded decades ago.

[–] Crimesawastin 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm cool with everything you said, except the gun control part. Felons are disproportionately POC because of our racist police and courts. POC will be disarmed disproportionately. Now, if we do some blanket amnesty, mass decarceration, and defund, disband, or disarm the police, then maybe gun control won't be enforced in a racist way. But in a country where literal white supremacist gangs run massive police forces, like the LASD, gun control will be weaponized against minorities. Also, gun control is classist and ableist.

[–] Crimesawastin 3 points 1 year ago

BTB made me think of how Chris Columbus was a total supervillain. He just takes this advanced weapon system across the world, enslaves the first people he meets, and tries to get enough money to start a holy war so the rapture can happen.


I heard about the vodka ban listening to Mike Duncan, and about how it was aimed at poor people. The temperance laws in Maine were also just for the poors. It got me thinking that drug prohibition is always to fuck over poor people. But then i remembered most laws are to fuck over poor people

[–] Crimesawastin 2 points 1 year ago

When you say a million fucking things, some of them will be right. But mostly wrong

[–] Crimesawastin 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Wait, he also said that child separation policy was cruel. A broken clock is right twice a day

[–] Crimesawastin 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The only thing Joe Rogan ever said that made a little bit of sense: 'They're sending dicks into outer space to populate other planets' paraphrased

[–] Crimesawastin 2 points 1 year ago

It's okay to comment. Any fans of John Carpenter?


Dick Warlock is an objectively rad name


Saw this on Kaz Rowe's show and had a cackle

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