You hound dog, you
Oh man I wish, I was stuck in shoe length cotton blend for three years of my life and I dreaded February coming around
Some workmates and I petitioned our boss for the return of 70's office shorts over the course of one hot summer, to no avail.
How do you reset it after the powers gone out?
Oh god, I've got one of those pricks at work
I hate to be a bother, but I support this comment. I was quite happy just scrolling my memes without needing to tap on the post, but now top text and bottom text are cut off most of the time.
Always bean bean
Pretty sure this is on gamepass if you're really keen to play it.
When cooking minced meat for taco filling or anything similar, cook half of it regularly, and then really cook the crap out of half of it until it's almost crispy, it really makes the texture more enjoyable.
If you don't believe me you're a schmuck