
joined 7 months ago
[–] Cowlitz 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Lmao you underestimate the religious people in this country. Sure we have Muslims but they are far outnumbered by Christians. Christianity is a bloodthirsty religion. Their whole religion involved taking from others outside of their group. Their rules applied only to others like themselves, it was totally fine to fuck over other people. The other people are people who equate anti Israel to antisemitism and dont want to be accused of such things.

[–] Cowlitz 2 points 7 months ago

Not really. I highly doubt it will be rescheduled prior to election when they are just talking about it now.

[–] Cowlitz 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Yea dudes like that either live with a bunch of dudes who accept the constant stale piss smell or dont even realize their partners are constantly cleaning up their mess. Its not like a puddle from people missing. Its collection from being misted. Dude can't beat physics whether he thinks his piss is magical or not.

[–] Cowlitz 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Urologists are awful. Even worse for women. I'm always joking that they are mens doctors as they seem not to know what to do with women. Blood in urine? Must be a period....

[–] Cowlitz 2 points 7 months ago

Anywhere they aren't animals or who have partners/roommates that make them clean the base of the toilet/walls themselves because piss splashes.

[–] Cowlitz 3 points 7 months ago

My issue with the hate he gets is he seems to get raked over the coals more than people giving away nothing because he's "exploiting" people to fund it. Im just so sick of people jumping on even slight improvement over the status quo because they expect perfection from anybody trying to do any good. Theres a reason everything is being enshittified. Theres no reason people benefitting from the system have to even slightly improve it because every idealist who probably hasn't done shit to improve the world will be there waggling their finger.

[–] Cowlitz 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Don't let ideals get in the way of good. While what you say is true, he could literally help no one if he hadn't followed this business model. He wouldn't have the cash. His videos bring in more cash which can help more people. Yes he makes money too but its more distasteful to me to be someone like you who prefers less people get help if someone else profits from it than it is to be someone like him who helps more people than you are and also makes money from it.

A bit rich for you to be saying his way is wrong when you probably haven't ponyed up your own cash to help even a fraction of the people. The world you want to exist does not. Everything has a cost. Id rather people do some good in exchange for that cost than wish everyone did everything for free which incentivizes no one to do anything.

I don't watch him. His videos don't really appeal for me but I recognize the good that can be done in such a format.

[–] Cowlitz 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

100 years from now? Atheism is its own religion in a way. There isn't evidence there isn't a God. That doesn't mean there is one but also doesn't mean there isn't one. The absence of evidence is not the same as evidence. Militant atheists must have faith there isn't one which makes them far more similar to religious people than they care to admit.

[–] Cowlitz 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Might be superficially pro human but anybody who uses such a horrific book for the basis of their religion can't actually be pro human. They can make their impact less by being decent but they are still a net negative by believing such horrific shit.

[–] Cowlitz 2 points 7 months ago

You're right. The only difference between philosophy and religion is the cult aspect. So why are we rewarding the culty versions that indoctrinate children into being unable to think for themselves rather than actual philosophical movements? Its backwards as fuck. Religon is much of why humanity is so stupid. It requires faith. Faith and critical thinking cannot coexist when the faith involves meaning of life stuff.

[–] Cowlitz 5 points 7 months ago

How many of those businesses work people so hard/overnight so they are sleeping in their offices? Its Ohio so probably not many but its probably still happened.

[–] Cowlitz 13 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Its the intent that matters though. They dont get a heads up because people show up trying to better their own lives. When they dont give a heads up to other states and drop people off in freezing temperatures, they are intentionally hurting people. If Texas doesn't want to deal with it they should surrender the land a few hundred miles around the border. They won't because land is a valuable resource. They have more of that resource than many other states, dealing with having a border is part of the price of it.

The other problem is the reason they are doing it is to intentionally cause conflict with other states. That is the act of an enemy. Its cold war behavior. There is a reason I think of Texans as enemies of the US. They identify as Texan first, American second. They only care about getting ahead even at the expense of the country. We should absolutely accept refugees from that hellhole but we should also absolutely hold them accountable for being hostile to other states. They also get federal money to deal with it. Other states do not. They are stealing if they are offloading that responsibility on states who do not get funding for it. They can't whine about being solely responsible for it when they get funding and are also actively interfering with border patrol.

I must admit Texas is the best at propaganda and playing victim. It feels extremely dystopian stepping off the plane and immediately noticing the pictures of Texas on everything. It was so wild I couldn't help but laugh at how up their own asses they are. Their propaganda is so effective people in this thread really think they dont get funding and have to secure it on their own. Its just another lie they spin to win support and apparently its quite effective.

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