But is that a core position where the dsa will revoke endorsements of members? Presumably members can have argument and debate about positions. Also, it's questionable to suggest AOC is somehow strongly pro Israel. So why is there such a dumb headline stance on discussing anti semitism because some folks are afraid it might come off as pro Israel?
But DSA has a mission and core positions that are domestic and focus on economics, democracy, and equality. If you have a prominent member that represents those things, why are you kicking her out for something not defined in your core position and objective on a flimsy basis?
When did foreign policy become a core position for DSA?
The kind of people that can't use an always online connected printer. But seriously, for some professions and shift to work from home during covid kind of made printers in a home more common again.
That doesn't work if there's not honest media.
My first thought was "I havent seen that in. A sporting context since WCW NWO Wolf Pack was a thing." But fuck this guy.
I wish we had Australian style compulsory voting. Members of a democracy should know the will of the majority and citizens should have a duty to participate.
Yeah, that was disappointing. But I do think it was a tough situation. Sanders wasn't a Dem, he was an independent. I think Warren as an established D could have had more pull and commanded more from the establishment side. Unfortunately she picked party over platform.
Chevron is 40 years old. How can you come after it for at least 50 years?
But doesn't a lot of this come down to "ambiguity" in statutes which can be attributed to lack of technical expertise. In the example of you make is there a difference between:
Congress saying the agency is responsible for ensuring drinking water is safe vs the agency is limiting heavy metals in drinking water? If a statute says the agency is responsible for regulating drinking water safety including, but not limited to, heavy metal levels can they also regulate microplastics?
If ambiguity is at play doesn't that require congress to provide more technical definition to some degree?
It's crazy it goes to the courts. In an early published ruling Gorush's ruling was talking about the compound of laughing gas because he confuse it for an air pollutant...
I find having to tinker to re angle the thumbcluster each setup with hex key kind of a deal breaker on the portability on a daily basis. Also it's kind of thick in the foldable case. After getting my wife a Keychron K7 low profile and case, I realize that is closer to the form factor I want for portability.