
joined 2 years ago
[–] Concept1037 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I haven’t really needed one myself but it’s more that I miss the opportunity to plan ahead where I’m going.

[–] Concept1037 -4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Yes, it happened. As I recall he tried to talk to the “protesters” but realized it was to no avail.

[–] Concept1037 4 points 2 years ago

I’ve have Windows for at least the last ten years and this has maybe happened at few times. Windows is still a privacy hell, but it is stable.

[–] Concept1037 1 points 2 years ago
[–] Concept1037 3 points 2 years ago (5 children)

I only have qbittorrent behind it, is it important to have sonarr and such behind it as well?

[–] Concept1037 1 points 2 years ago

I think cash will go away eventually, but people can always barter and crypto currencies like Monero are hard to ban.

[–] Concept1037 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Det står også at folk rett og slett bruker penger på feil ting. Velger å reise til utlandet og kose seg, istedenfor å faktisk betale regninger,

Jeg er også enig i at kollektivt er bra, men på bygda og utenom bymiljø trenger man rett og slett bil.

[–] Concept1037 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Had to buy Red rising now that I read your comment, never heard about it. I recently read Hyperion as well and what made me suffer through the book was all the long ass descriptions of everything. The world is amazing and the story, but I’ll wait a while before I read the others.

Children of Time is amazing! I’ve read Children of Ruin, the second book which is equally as great and just started on the third one. If you haven’t read it, then check out Three Body Problem. I found it better than Hyperion, although very dystopian and kinda sad. Good read though. Thanks for the recommendation.

[–] Concept1037 3 points 2 years ago

I’m looking forward to Starfield, although it’ll probably be quite buggy for some time, we’ll see.

Right now I’m playing Gotham Knights (kinda boring) and Civilization 6.

[–] Concept1037 1 points 2 years ago

I highly recommend getting a gas burner, if you are comfortable with it. It’s great for cooking while camping. We’ve recently made tacos and risotto while camping. Also, depending on the brand/model, it works in most weather and you’re not reliant on gathering wood for a fire.

[–] Concept1037 2 points 2 years ago

Running it on a Synology, and streaming through a Chromecast. It works great, some encoding issues sometimes and issues with subtitles, but other than that it’s fine.


From the article:

In recent remarks, Blania said that eventually, anyone who wants to use the internet will need to be authenticated by Worldcoin or “something like it.”

“Something like World ID will eventually exist, meaning that you will need to verify [you are human] on the internet, whether you like it or not,” said Blania.


I agree I guess, something like this will be implemented to be able to access the internet. The question is, will there be a separate “free” internet, something akin to the dark web, or maybe the dark web itself, that will be used by dissidents and people who reject the globalist agenda.


Hi guys, I love this community. I am a total amateur but I self host stuff like Vaultwarden, Plex and Joplin.

I’ve been looking at SimpleX Chat and thinking about hosting a server for personal use on my synology using either Docker or Portainer. Anyone have experience with this or know of a tutorial or guide? I’ve been looking around but the GitHub site I found seemed complicated.

Thanks 🙏


We’ve been hearing fears of Russia nuking Ukraine for months now and in this article we hear Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin arguing for it to end the war.

His daughter Darya Dugina was murdered by a car bombing last year, allegedly done by Ukrainian special forces.

I am no fan of Putin or Dugin, but I think it is important to know what they are thinking, if we ever can know that.


James Corbett talks about the Rothschilds and their connection with the federal reserve. Interesting thoughts about the fed, it’s creation and how it works today.

I’d be interested to hear what you guys think of the fed.


Not a huge fan of Daily Mail, but interesting nonetheless.

“In the video, Dr Blair Peters, a self-described 'queer surgeon' with 'he/they' pronouns, pink hair and a 'passion' for genital surgeries, says patients face fertility, sexual pleasure and other lifelong post-op complications.”

I’m quite convinced that the “trans agenda” is unwillingly a Trojan horse for the transhumanist / technocratic agenda.


Our technocratic future is soon to become a reality. I found this article to be a good read on the subject. Below are a few paragraphs from the piece.

“Presently, banks and ecommerce platforms like Alibaba are beginning to implement carbon footprint trackers as a means to simply measure carbon footprints, but a future where measurement turns into punishment may not be far off.

Speaking at the WEF’s annual meeting in 2022, Alibaba president J. Michael Evans announced that the Chinese multinational e-commerce platform would soon be launching individual carbon footprint trackers in an attempt to change people’s shopping and travel behaviors.

The individual carbon footprint tracker looks to operate similarly to the Chinese Communist Party’s social credit system by rewarding people who “do the right thing” while punishing those who “do the wrong thing” — carrot versus stick.”

Also from the article:

“In China, citizens are given a credit score based on their online and offline behavior. It’s a system that rewards “good” behavior like spending time with the elderly while punishing “bad” behavior like protesting the government or spending too much time playing videogames.

When “trust” is broken in one area, restrictions are placed everywhere — meaning citizens who commit even minor infractions can be blacklisted from traveling, going to restaurants, renting a home, or even having insurance. This has happened to over 30 million citizens, according to Chinese State-run media.”


This article is about Ethiopia but in my country a digital ID for banking and national services has been mandatory or near impossible to use without.

I know some people say that it is possible to live outside the grid, but this is becoming increasingly difficult and cumbersome. The road ahead is paved with increased financial surveillance, probably connected to the social credit score or carbon tax / score system.

In our banking apps today we can “see” how much co2 emissions a purchase has created. God knows how this is calculated. Wishing everyone good luck in our dystopian future 👌


Very interesting article from Bloomberg concerning Zelenskyys behavior at NATO meeting in Vilnius. I found this paragraph especially interesting:

“This account of the behind-the-scenes wrangling is based on interviews with more than a dozen diplomats and officials involved in the summit who asked not to be named discussing private conversations.

NATO leaders were trying to thread a needle on Ukraine’s membership bid when they arrived in Vilnius: They were seeking language that looked like progress and that Ukraine could sell as progress but fundamentally didn’t leave them any closer to getting dragged into a war with nuclear-armed Russia.”


The Ukrainian president had been angered earlier in the day by what he said was an “absurd” reluctance to give his country a clear timeline on membership.

That outburst in turn riled the partners who have funneled billions of dollars of weaponry and aid into Ukraine’s defense against the Russian invasion — the US had been given no warning before Zelenskiy unleashed his attack on social media.

Over dinner in Vilnius, with US President Joe Biden back at his hotel, the other leaders delivered a clear message to Zelenskiy, according to one person who was present.

You have to cool down and look at the full package, Zelenskiy was told. He had, after all, been given a renewed commitment to eventual membership and new security guarantees from the Group of Seven nations. By the next day, the message appeared to be sinking in.”

Maybe NATO now puts him in his place to continue this new Afghanistan forever war policy.


Here are some of the comments from congressman Burchett regarding the unreleased UAP footage he has seen:

"And if they can travel light years or at the speeds that we’ve seen, and physics as we know it, fly underwater, don't show a heat trail, things like that, then we are vastly out of our league."

"We can’t handle it," Burchett said during his podcast appearance about potential alien tech. "We couldn't fight them off what we wanted to. That's why I don't think they're a threat to us, or they would already have been."

Interesting to say the least. I have seen a UAP myself several years ago. It was tic-tac-shaped and traveled at a speed that no man made craft can do. However the question becomes, is there a breakaway civilization that has back engineered this extraterrestrial technology and are using it for their own gain?

Honestly I think there is an abundance of civilizations just in our own galaxy, but there might be some nefarious groups using similar tech for some unknown reason.

It is also interesting that through the past few years disclosure has happened slowly, as with the tic-tac video. Might it be project blue beam? As Werner Von Brauns assistant said he told her, that the final threat they will push on us is the alien/extraterrestrial threat. Who knows.


Personally I’m a fan of cryptocurrencies, especially Monero for its private transactions. However a few years ago I came over a paper written by some folks over at the NSA. The paper describes how a crypto or digital currency might work.

You can read more about it in this article:

With the rise of CBDCs the question becomes, was cryptocurrencies a psyop all along? Planned for us slowly accepting the digital dollar and such? Satoshi who allegedly created Bitcoin then suddenly vanishes might just be a group of intelligence folks not just one guy.

Who knows. On one hand I think it might be good for decentralization, on the other hand it might centralize everything. What are your thoughts?

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