Pretty neat! Based on how it's one foot stays down and slides around, I'd guess there's a few magnet tricks going on. Maybe a magnet behind the canvas allows for precise movement? Could also be special ink that shows up when painted on with water or another chemical, so the drawing is pre-made and then just selectively revealed. But... the brushing looks pretty real! So yeah, I think my answer is "lots of magnets." Great trick!
I sort of hoped the beaming part of the gif was looped to never end. Great prank!
Me(an|me) Bea(m|n) (Regular?) Machine
They're (I assume) satirizing this post and also making a dig about the vegan catfood drama.
No callouts here, LW does veer more center and has a bunch of libs. 🤷 I don't think the original post was in particularly good taste, inter-instance drama doesn't usually create more good in the world.
Make sure to only eat oysters fed a strict vegan diet, then you're all clear.
I think you can offer it to the Vileblood queen for some amusing dialogue where she rejects your marriage proposal. I forget if it does anything else.
Angry driving can make one quite blunt
Enough to rage over a mundane stunt
At bicyclists abreast
a roar rose in his chest
Skeleton Warriors!
Alternative answer/joke:
I was going to joke about an unholy combination of southern-style American biscuits and UK biscuits, but I think that's just a scone!
Maybe it's an all biscuit pizza? A rich croissant-like crust, topped with cookis-n-cream sauce and big chunks of hardtack and cornbread tidbits.
Try a typing game, there's lots of them now in several genres. I learned to touch type in secondary school, doing the old fashioned thing of taping a sheet of paper over the keyboard (and typing under it) so you can't see the keys. That works but I believe in the educational power of games, and it'll be more fun.
Otherwise, just practice. If you use lemmy on mobile, try switching to desktop to type more. Start writing letters to people or short stories or anything that just encourages you to type more.
I saw Titanic in theaters when I was around 11 or 12 with my parents and grandparents. Kate Winslet's breasts and that hand print are indelibly printed in my mind along with the real awkward feelings I was having.