I saw AC/DC's second London gig in a pub
There was the same feeling here in fhe UK with Starmer, although he's not the leader everyone wants, he at least is driving the bus in fhe right direction.
A cheese sandwich. Buttered white bread, a thick slice of salty cheddar, and a layer of English mustard. No nonsense.
You're gonna need something to that beer,wine and sandwiches cold. We got one of these Titan Wheeled Cooler. Sooo useful, and at the end of the day you can put all your shit in there to take back and dump responsibly. Costo had them on offer a while back or the usual online places.
I still have the first MP3 I downloaded from WinMix! The House Is Rockin - Stevie Ray Vaughan. Good times :)
My favourite hidden gem is Red Rock West One of those times I first cought on TV showing at 11pm and I've got to get up at 5:30 am. Started watching and had to see the end
Stumbleupon was how I found Reddit !
Thanks Newpipe! Much appreciated!
Mmmm, een van de beste voedingsmiddelen voor thuis. Vergeet de ingelegde ui niet....
Yep, I getting the same issue here, :(
I was just thinking the other da.....ALL HAIL HYPNO TOAD